The public is aware of the possibility of biases in the mass media and distrusts the media as too powerful. The body of information against which the public evaluates the plausibility of each new media report comes, however, from what the public has heard of through the mass media. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 感慨性的翻译为: 公众知道传煤的不准确性, 但是公众用来评价传煤的依据却又来自于传煤。 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
If the view above is correct, it provides a reason for accepting which one of the following conclusions? (A) If there is a pervasive bias in the presentation of news by the mass media, it would be hard for the public to discern that bias. 如果新闻是有偏见的,那么群众很难识别那些偏见。正确答案。 (B) The mass media tailor their reports to confirm to a specific political agenda. 传煤的报告是专门为了某个政治目的
(C) The biases that news media impose on reporting tend not to be conscious distortions but rather part of a sense they share about what is interesting and believable. 传煤报告中的偏见不是故意的,而是因为他们觉的TOPIC比较有趣和真实。
(D) News reporters and their public hold largely the same views about what is most important in society, because news reporters come out of that society. 新闻工作者和群众对于什么对社会最重要的观点基本上是一致的,因为新闻工作者也来自与社会。 (A) (E) When a news event occurs that contradicts a stereotype formerly incorporated into reporting by the mass media, the public is predisposed to believe reports of the event. 当一个与传统新闻报告的模式不付的新闻事件发生时,群众更相信事件的报告。