一战惨不忍睹,610估计没几个人会象我考怎么惨的了还上过XDF,我真有点想撞墙的感觉。逻辑部分是我的瓶颈尽管看了很多牛人心经,做了OG,GWD和FF我还是感到我逻辑部分理解题意方面很差虽然从句子语法结构上看的懂,这极大地影响了判断选项这是不是缺乏常识地缘故。下个月还想二战但是却不知要如何针对性地提高,下面两题是我刚看到的两题,题目意思好像似懂非懂,请NN们帮我分析下思路,顺便能解释下题意最好了,我真的真的感激不过了! 1.On the basis of figures it complies, a citizens’ group argues that congressional members of party X authorize the spending of more taxpayer dollars than do congressional members of Party Y. The group’s figures are based on an analysis of the number of spending bills for which members of Congress vote. The figures of the citizens’ group will be unreliable as a gauge of which party in Congress spends more taxpayer dollars if which of the following is true? A) the group weighs all votes for spending bills equally, no matter how much taxpayer money is involved in each bill. B) The group counts votes for all spending bills, including bills concerning the salaries of members of congress. C) Most spending bills that members of Party X vote for are passed by Congress. D) Most spending bills that members of Party X vote for are written and sponsored by members of Party X. E) All spending bills, before being voted on by Congress, must be approved by committees in which members of both parties participate.
2.How does a building contractor most readily prove compliance with the building codes governing new construction? By using those established technologies that the authors of the codes had in mind when setting specifications. This, unfortunately, means that there will never be any significant technological innovation within the industry. Which of the following, if true, casts the most serious doubt on the conclusion above? A) Among the authors of codes governing new construction are people who were formerly building contractors. B) The authors of codes governing new construction are under pressure to set rigorous specifications. C) What are now regarded as established technologies were once so innovative that the authors of the codes then applicable could not have foreseen them. D) Noncompliance with the codes governing new construction can prove extremely costly to the building contractor in charge of the project. E) The established technologies of one country’s building industry can be very different from those of another’s. |