大全-II-12. Approximately two hundred brands of personal computers are being manufactured, but we currently limit our inventory to only the eight most popular brands. We plan to increase greatly the number of computers we sell by expanding our inventory to include the ten best-selling brands. Which of the following, if true, points out a major weakness of the plan above? (A) The capabilities of three most popular personal computers add to be approximately equivalent, with no brand having consistent superiority in all respects. (B) The seven most popular brands of personal computers account for almost all computers sold. 既然我们存货里面的八大电脑里已经有7种是卖得最好的了,那么使用新方案还是未必能够提高销售量的。 (C) As the users of personal computers become more sophisticated, they are more willing to buy less well-known brands of computers.貌似有削弱的作用,但是没有讲到点子上。Well known与most popular, best selling是不同的,也许不知名的电脑正式most popular的!!!上文其实有点混淆概念的味道。 (D) Less popular brands of computers often provide less profit to the retailer because prices must be discounted to attract customers. (E) The leading brand of personal computer has been losing sales to less popular brands that offer similar capabilities for less money. Reasoning: a supermarket, for example, currently has only eight most popular brands in its inventory. The supermarket plans to expand its inventory by increasing the number of computers to include the ten best-selling brands in order to sell more computers in the supermarket. 评价:评价方案的逻辑错误,可以说明这种增加存货的方法是行不通的,或者说以前的方法卖得更多电脑。 |