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狒狒24,52,63,70,79,121 请教牛人们!!!

发表于 2006-10-29 23:36:00 | 只看该作者

狒狒24,52,63,70,79,121 请教牛人们!!!

121. Observatory director: Some say that funding the mega telescope will benefit only the astronomers who will work with it. This dangerous point of view, applied to the work of Maxwell, Newton, or Einstein, would have satisfied their research and deprived the world of beneficial applications, such as the development of radio, that followed from that research.


If the statements above are put forward as an argument in favor of development of the mega telescope, which one of the following is the strongest criticism of that argument?


A.        It appeals to the authority of experts who cannot have known all the issues involved in construction of the megatelescope.

B.        It does not identify those opposed to development of the megatelescope.

C.        It launches a personal attack on opponents of the megatelescope by accusing them of having a dangerous point of view.

D.       It does not distinguish between the economic and the intellectual senses of “benefit”.

E.        It does not show that the proposed mega telescope research is worthy of comparison with that of eminent scientists in its potential for applications.


63. Some good cooks are gourmet cooks who pride themselves on always using extravagantly rich ingredients in elaborate recipes. Some good cooks can be characterized as fast-food cooks. They may use rich ingredients as long as the recipes are easy to follow and take little time. Other good cooks are health food enthusiasts, who are concerned primarily with the nutritional value of food. But even though not all good cooks are big eaters, they all enjoy preparing and serving food. 


If the information in the passage is true, which one of the following CANNOT be true? 


A.        Most good cooks do not use extravagantly rich ingredients. 

B.        Everyone who enjoys preparing and serving food is a good cook. 

C.        More good cooks who use extravagantly rich ingredients are big eaters than are good cooks who do not use such ingredients. 

D.       There are fewer good cooks who enjoy serving and preparing food than there are good cooks who are big eaters. 

E.        Gourmet cooks, fast-food cooks, and cooks who are health food enthusiasts are all big eaters. 

24. The interstitial nucleus, a sub-region of the brain’s hypothalamus, is typically smaller for male cats than for female cats. A neurobiologist performed autopsies on male cats who died from disease X, a disease affecting no more than .05 percent of male cats, and found that these male cats had interstitial nuclei that were as large as those generally found in female cats. Thus, the size of the interstitial nucleus determines whether or not male cats can contract disease X.


Which one of the following statements, if true, most seriously weakens the argument?


A.        No female cats have been known to contract disease X, which is a subtype of disease Y.

B.        Many male cats that contract disease X also contract disease Z, the cause of which is unknown.

C.        the interstitial nuclei of female cats who contact disease X are larger than those of female cats who do not contract disease X.

D.       Of 1,000 autopsies on male cats that did not contract disease X, 5 revealed interstitial nuclei larger than those of the average male cat.

E.        The hypothalamus is known not to be causally linked to disease Y, and disease X is a subtype of disease Y.



52. Birds need so much food energy to maintain their body temperatures that some of them spend most of their time eating. But a comparison of a bird of a seed-eating species to a bird of a nectar-eating species that has the same overall energy requirement would surely show that the seed-eating bird spends more time eating than does the nectar-eating bird, since a given amount of nectar provides more energy than does the same amount of seeds


The argument relies on which one of the following questionable assumptions


A.        Birds of different species do not generally have the same overall energy requirements as each other

B.        The nectar-eating bird does not sometimes also eat seeds

C.        The time it takes for the nectar-eating bird to eat a given amount of nectar is not longer than the time it takes the seed-eating bird to eat the same amount of seeds

D.       The seed-eating bird does not have a lower body temperature than that of the nectar-eating bird

E.        The overall energy requirements of a given bird do not depend on factors such as the size of the bird, its nest-building habits; and the climate of the region in which it lives               

为什么necter比seed 一定快呢, seed吃得比n多,

就算n和s速度一样,因为s吃得多, 还是s花的时间更多啊! (C)

70. A low-pressure weather system is approaching Plainville; rainfall results from about 70 percent of such systems in the Plainville area. Moreover, the current season, spring, is the time of year in which thundershowers, which sometimes result from low-pressure systems, are most likely to occur in Plainville.


Knowing which one of the following, in addition to the information above, would be most useful for determine the probability that Plainville will have a thundershower soon?


A.        the percentage of thundershowers in Plainville that occur in the spring

B.        the percentage of spring rainfalls in Plainville that are thundershowers

C.        the percentage of thundershowers in Plainville that result from low-pressure systems

D.       whether low-pressure systems in other areas are associated with rainfall

E.        whether Plainville has more or fewer thundershowers each spring than do near by towns


Despite improvements in treatment for asthma, the death rate from this disease has doubled during the past decade from its previous rate. Two possible explanations for this increase have been offered. First, the recording of deaths due to asthma has become more widespread and accurate in the past decade than it had been previously. Second, there has been an increase in urban pollution. However, since the rate of deaths due to asthma has increased dramatically even in cities with long-standing, comprehensive medical records and with little or no urban pollution, one must instead conclude that the cause of increased deaths is the use of bronchial inhalers by asthma sufferers to relieve their symptoms.


79. Which one of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?


A.        Urban pollution has not doubled in the past decade.

B.        Doctors and patients generally ignore the role of allergies in asthma.

C.        Bronchial inhalers are unsafe, even when used according to the recommended instructions.

D.       The use of bronchial inhalers aggravates other diseases that frequently occur among asthma sufferers and that often lead to fatal outcomes even when the asthma itself does not.

E.        Increased urban pollution, improved recording of asthma deaths, and the used of asthma deaths, and the use of bronchial inhalers are the only possible explanations of the increased death rate due to asthma.


把A改成 Urban pollution has not changed 是不是就对了?

发表于 2006-10-30 07:36:00 | 只看该作者

24. The interstitial nucleus, a sub-region of the brain’s hypothalamus, is typically smaller for male cats than for female cats. A neurobiologist performed autopsies on male cats who died from disease X, a disease affecting no more than .05 percent of male cats, and found that these male cats had interstitial nuclei that were as large as those generally found in female cats. Thus, the size of the interstitial nucleus determines whether or not male cats can contract disease X.



Which one of the following statements, if true, most seriously weakens the argument?



A.        No female cats have been known to contract disease X, which is a subtype of disease Y.

B.        Many male cats that contract disease X also contract disease Z, the cause of which is unknown.

C.        the interstitial nuclei of female cats who contact disease X are larger than those of female cats who do not contract disease X.

D.       Of 1,000 autopsies on male cats that did not contract disease X, 5 revealed interstitial nuclei larger than those of the average male cat.

E.        The hypothalamus is known not to be causally linked to disease Y, and disease X is a subtype of disease Y.


intersititial nuclei 在平时是male的比female小,但是一旦male得x病了,则和female一样大了

conclusion:size 决定它是否得病!


B当时我做的时候与E搞不清楚,后来取非,contract x don't contract y,也无关




 楼主| 发表于 2006-11-2 08:50:00 | 只看该作者


 楼主| 发表于 2006-11-5 23:41:00 | 只看该作者
发表于 2006-11-6 11:24:00 | 只看该作者



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