25号考的。考的不好。因为考试前2天拼命看书,考前的那天晚上终于失眠了,睡了不到4个小时。第二天又是中午考,整个上午都在紧张, 导致考verbal的时候精力严重不足,看什么都看不进去...精神状态很重要啊!昨天一天心情都不好。但是想到不管好坏,还是应该写一篇jj, 毕竟从cd学到很多。 AA: 52. The following editorial appeared in the Elm City paper. “The construction last year of a shopping mall in downtown Oak City was a mistake. Since the mall has opened, a number of local businesses have closed, and the downtown area suffers from an acute parking shortage, and arrests for crime and vagrancy have increased in the nearby Oak City Park. Elm City should pay attention to the example of the Oak City mall and deny the application to build a shopping mall in Elm City.” AI: 36. “Businesses and other organizations have overemphasized the importance of working as a team. Clearly, in any human group, it is the strong individual, the person with the most commitment and energy, who gets things done.” Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the opinion stated above. Support your views with reasons and/or examples from your own experience, observations, or reading.
数学都不难,只要把PREP上的题搞懂,当月JJ亲自做过,弄清正确答案上50肯定没问题。遇到很多jj. 有一道JJ题粗心明知答案却 点错了选项,唉...我只遇到1题费了我不少时间。 一个人卖10000 dozen(dozen有下划线) shirt, 卖掉了24%,问还剩多少件? 题目的小trick就是dozen. 因为紧张当时连dozen=12都忘了。最后用数代进去才得的答案。 C. 76,000 D. E. 912,000 RC, 都是jj.
eco art那篇 income change 其他的忘了。 SC, 平常挺有感觉的,可是考试时脑子就是不转,瞪着选项不知怎么选。 记得有一题 Government recommend the local telephone company offer the long-distance companies who want to ... a. who want to ... rather than ... b. who want to ... c. that want to ... by leasing on the local network, rather than construct their own system. d. that want to ... by leasing on the local network, rather than by constructing their own system. e. that want to ...反正不平行 当时在c,d之间犹豫了很久不敢选 还有一道 2. The president, ... regards the office to be ..... a. regards the office to be... that ... b. regards the office to be... c. regards the office as ... d. regards the office as xxx(noun), its xxx capable of ... e. regards the office as xxx, whose xxx, capable of... 这题也在d,e中徘徊... CR: 逻辑很难,只碰到一道JJ. 估计我掉到低分库了。 就是那道儿童使用药的题,问evaluate. a. 多数被延长专利时间的药在没过期以前就被新药替代了。 c. 多数被实验过的药被延长了专利时间。 其他选项都无关。 教训:感觉rc 和 math 的jj帮助大些,其他就要靠真水平了。
应为是在职考,准备很辛苦。今年是肯定不会申请了。正在考虑是年底还是明年再战。 最后,不管怎样,感谢cd,希望10月后几天考的朋友们都有个好成绩。 |