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请倾情提点:FeiFei-38. FeiFei-61. FeiFei-107.

发表于 2003-10-27 15:49:00 | 只看该作者

请倾情提点:FeiFei-38. FeiFei-61. FeiFei-107.

请帮忙分析如何得出以下的正确答案《标记为(T)》,并指出为何标记 (F)的选项错了呢?唉,迷惑中,特希望并感谢各位眩出您智慧的火花!谢谢~~
38. Amphibian populations are declining in numbers worldwide. Not coincidentally, the earth’s ozone layer has been continuously depleted throughout the last 50 years. Atmospheric ozone blocks UV-B, a type of ultraviolet radiation that is continuously produced by the sun, and which can damage genes. Because amphibians lack hair, hide, or feathers to shield them, they are particularly vulnerable to UV-B radiation. In addition, their gelatinous eggs lack the protection of leathery or hard shells. Thus, the primary cause of the declining amphibian population is the depletion of the ozone layer.

Each of the following, if true, would strengthen the argument EXCEPT:

(A) Of the various types of radiation blocked by atmospheric ozone, UV-B is the only type that can damage genes. (T)
(D) The natural habitat of amphibians has not become smaller over the past century. (F)


61. Investigators concluded that human failure was not responsible for the fatal airplane crash last August, and since that time new and more stringent rules for identifying and reporting mechanical problems have been in effect. That accounts for the fact that reports of airplane mechanical problems have increased in frequency by 50 percent since last August.

Which one of the following is an assumption underlying the argument in the passage?

(B) Mechanical problems in airplanes have increased dramatically since last August.(F)
(C) Mechanical problems in airplanes have not increased by 50 percent since last August.(T)

107. Because of the recent transformation of the market, Quore, Inc., must increase the next two years, or it will certainly go bankrupt. In fact, however, Quore’s production structure is such that if a 10 percent productivity increase is possible, then a 20 percent increase is attainable.

If the statements above are true, which one of the following must on the basis of them also be true?

(B) Quore will not go bankrupt if it achieves a productivity increase of 20 percent over the next two years. (F)
(E) If a 20 percent productivity increase is unattainable for Quore, then it must go bankrupt.(T)


 楼主| 发表于 2003-10-27 15:58:00 | 只看该作者
发表于 2003-10-27 18:35:00 | 只看该作者
1,choice a is irrelevent to the argument for weather or not UV-B is the only that can damage the genes has no direct co-relationship with the conclusion.but choice d is a premise that eliminate the one of the possibilities  of the decline of the number of amphinbian populations.

2,the passage told us what accounts for the increase of the reports and that means the rules are the reason so if b is right then the rules are not the reason.

3,i can not help you on this question for i just wonder where the "20%" comes from.
 楼主| 发表于 2003-10-27 19:01:00 | 只看该作者
Highly appreciate your comments with penetrating depth in crucial logical parts existed in above-mentioned questions. However, I'm still equpped with below purplexes:

61==》题目首句是否不该是"human failure", 而应改成"mechanical problems"?

107=》文中有说明production10%为年增长率(premise)吗?答案E中production rate 为20%, 是根据premise加上2年的期限,而得出的吗?

Pls  kindly address your viewpoints in the respects. Thank U very much!
 楼主| 发表于 2003-10-27 19:02:00 | 只看该作者
Highly appreciate your comments with penetrating depth in crucial logical parts existed in above-mentioned questions. However, I'm still equpped with below purplexes:

61==》题目首句是否不该是"human failure", 而应改成"mechanical problems"?

107=》文中有说明production10%为年增长率(premise)吗?答案E中production rate 为20%, 是根据premise加上2年的期限,而得出的吗?

Pls  kindly address your viewpoints in the respects. Thank U very much!
发表于 2003-10-28 00:00:00 | 只看该作者
61. explained before.

107. I can see that the reasoning in the argument is like this:
1. not bankrupt --> increase, or no increase --> bankrupt
2. 10% increase possible --> 20% increase possible

E. 20% not possible (--> 10% not possible --> bankrupt)

So the reasoning structure is:
A-->B and B-->C. Then not C--> not A.

It is clear that "10% not possible" equals "no increase" in this argument. Since quantity is involved, I would not jump to conclude that E is right. I would eliminate other choices first.

B is definitely wrong. From A-->B-->C, you can not conclude that C-->A. For example:
A person will not live unless he eats. If a person eats, he must also be able to drink.

The above example is the same structure. However, you cannot say if a person can drink, he will live. There might be other factors such as sleeping, getting dressed and having a shelter to stay warm, etc.
发表于 2004-3-26 22:17:00 | 只看该作者
38D, C兄的解释:amp的habitat没有变小,所以amp的减少不是由于habitat引起的。排除了他因,加强答案!



发表于 2004-3-26 23:02:00 | 只看该作者

发表于 2004-3-27 15:57:00 | 只看该作者
可谁也没有说没有10%productivity increase 就不意味着增长啊, 10%和所谓的"increase"有什么必然的关系
发表于 2004-3-27 22:43:00 | 只看该作者

107.    Because    of    the    recent    transformation    of    the    market,    Quore,    Inc.,    must    increase    10%the    next    two    years,    or    it    will    certainly    go    bankrupt.    In    fact,    however,    s    production    structure    is    such    that    if    a    10    percent    productivity    increase    is    possible,    then    a    20    percent    increase    is    attainable


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