152. Mouth cancer is adanger for people who rarely brush their teeth. In order to achieve earlydetection of mouth cancer in these individuals, a town’s public healthofficials sent a pamphlet to all town residents, describing how to performweekly self-examinations of the mouth for lumps. 措施目的 Which of the following,if true, is the best criticism of the pamphlet as a method of achievingthe public health officials’ goal? (A) Many dentaldiseases produce symptoms that cannot be detected in a weekly self-examination.—>并没有特别削弱自检是发现口癌的方法(要点出KW口癌) (B) Once mouth cancerhas been detected, the effectiveness of treatment can vary from person toperson. —>说明癌症检测出来后的事情,跟自检本身无关 (C) The pamphlet wassent to all town residents, including those individuals who brush their teethregularly. —>只说出发册子的无效,但不能说册子本身不能达目的 (D) Mouth cancer ismuch more common in adults than in children. —>支持发送书面指导的合理性(因为大人识字小孩不识字),不削弱 E (E) People who rarelybrush their teeth are unlikely to perform a weekly examination of their mouth. —>不刷牙的人也不自检,发的册子白瞎