Our school district should not spend its money on the new Verbal Advantage reading program. After all, our students get all the reading practice they need by studying history and science.
The argument above depends on which the following assumptions?
TheVerbal Advantage program would not help the students learn history and science.
Other reading programs are just as effective but less expensive than the Verbal Advantage program.
TheVerbal Advantage program involves only reading practice.
Teachingstudents history and science is more important than teaching them reading skills.
Thestudents can already read well enough to study history and science.
People should be held accountable for their own behavior, and if holding people accountable for their own behavior entails capital punishment, then so be it. However, no person should be held accountable for behavior over which he or she had no control.
Which of the following is the most logical conclusion of the argument above?
Peopleshould not be held accountable for the behavior of other people.
Peoplehave control over their own behavior.
Peoplecannot control the behavior of other people.
Behaviorthat cannot be controlled should not be punished.
Peoplehave control over behavior that is subject to capital punishment.
can some one explain the reason ? thanks a lot . beginner for GMAT.
Peopleshould not be held accountable for the behavior of other people.
Peoplehave control over their own behavior.
Peoplecannot control the behavior of other people.
Behaviorthat cannot be controlled should not be punished.
Peoplehave control over behavior that is subject to capital punishment.
can some one explain the reason ? thanks a lot . beginner for GMAT.
question 9: 从充分,必要关系来看. 1)有capital punishment, 就一定是people accoutable for their own behavior 2)有people accoutable for their own behavior, 就一定是people have control. 所以E是正确的.