搜尋過本版, 沒見版上有人討論過這一題~ 懇請NN 們幫個忙~ Q4. Samples from a ceramic vase found at a tomb in Sicily prove that the vase was manufactured in Greece. Since the occupant of the tomb died during the reign of a Sicilian ruler who lived 2,700 years ago, the location of the vase indicates that there was trade between Sicily and Greece 2,700 years ago. Which of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends? (A) Sicilian potters who lived during the reign of the ruler did not produce work of the same level of quality as did Greek potters. ( irrelevant ) (B) Sicilian clay that was used in the manufacture of pottery during the ruler’s reign bore little resemblance to Greek clay used to manufacture pottery at that time. ( irrelevant ) (C) At the time that the occupant of the tomb was alive, there were ships capable of transporting large quantities of manufactured goods between Sicily and Greece. (D) The vase that was found at the Sicilian tomb was not placed there many generations later by descendants of the occupant of the tomb.(D) (E) The occupant of the tom was not a member of the royal family to which the Sicilian ruler belonged. ( irrelevant ) ANS: D 1) 請教為何 choice D is correct ? 2) 首先我排除ABE, 因為是無關選項 我的思路如下: è Samples from a ceramic vase found at a tomb in Sicily prove that the vase was manufactured in Greece. ( Fact ) Since the occupant of the tomb died during the reign of a Sicilian ruler who lived 2,700 years ago, the location of the vase indicates that there was trade between Sicily and Greece 2,700 years ago. ( conclusion ) 之間求 assumption, 請問 choice C 為何非正確選項? ( CR 現在程度有待急救, 請各位NN 大力相助 ~ 感激不盡)
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-9-14 21:39:35编辑过] |