引用 chamcham 2007-6-26 15:56:00 的话http://forum.chasedream.com/dispbbs.asp?BoardID=24&replyID=1771318&id=187990&skin=0 nondiscount colson open -> nondiscount store set A close -> new store set B open discount SpendLess open -> discount store set C close B: means the set B is almost the set C, so now hardly any type of store can open since competition both from nondiscount colson and discount SpendLess. So weaken conclusion some other new store will open. E is irrelevant since only talk about discoutnt stores which will close by SpendLess. The store sell different stuff and will not open is not discussed
就是说打折店是斗不过sl的,其他店是斗不过cl的,那么即使说cl开了以后,有一个店也跟着建起来了,那么无论它是那种店,都斗不过sl或cl而再次倒闭,所以"有一个店也跟着建起来了"并不能证明该地的竞争减轻了,五年后地方可能会空很久 |