18. Corporate Officer: Last year was an unusually poor one for our chemical division, which has traditionally contributed about 60 percent of the corporation’s profits. It is therefore encouraging that there is the following evidence that the pharmaceutical division is growing stronger: it contributed 45 percent of the corporation’s profits, up from 20 percent the previous year.
On the basis of the facts stated, which of the following is the best critique of the evidence presented above?
(A) The increase in the pharmaceutical division’s contribution to corporation profits could have resulted largely from the introduction of single, important new product.
(B) In multidivisional corporations that have pharmaceutical divisions, over half of the corporation’s profits usually come from the pharmaceuticals.
(C) The percentage of the corporation’s profits attributable to the pharmaceutical division could have increased even if that division’s performance had not improved.
(D) The information cited does not make it possible to determine whether the 20 percent share of profits cited was itself an improvement over the year before.(C)
(E) The information cited does not make it possible to compare the performance of the chemical and pharmaceutical divisions in of the percent of total profits attributable to each. E====C
题目意思:chemical 部门做得不够好,只贡献了60%的公司利润,而pharmaceutical部就很好,贡献了45%公司利润,之前只是20%,提高了,所以 growing stronger。问批评以上的证据。
答案C。The percentage of the corporation’s profits attributable to the pharmaceutical division could have increased even if that division’s performance had not improved.,支持了pharmaceutical部做的更好的证据呀,怎么是批评呢?》而D什么问题?就是怀疑了pharmaceutical 20%来历不明。。。。所以会引起争议。
另外这道题目很奇怪,明显60%比45%多,怎么说chemical 部门做得不够好呢?不明白的 ![](/static/legacy-emoticon/Dvbbs/em09.gif) |