Argu: 61. The following appeared as part of a recommendation by one of the directors of the Beta Company. “The Alpha Company has just reduced its workforce by laying off fifteen percent of its employees in all divisions and at all levels, and it is encouraging early retirement for other employees. As you know, the Beta Company manufactures some products similar to Alpha’s, but our profits have fallen over the last few years. To improve Beta’s competitive position, we should try to hire a significant number of Alpha’s former workers, since these experienced workers can provide valuable information about Alpha’s successful methods, will require little training, and will be particularly motivated to compete against Alpha.”
Issue 62. “What education fails to teach us is to see the human community as one. Rather than focus on the unique differences that separate one nation from another, education should focus on the similarities among all people and places on Earth.”
数学感觉难的而且JJ上没看到的有两道 1。有人提到了但是没有说清楚: 说一个tire 在over 65000 miles后rotate有warranty,问:how many times can tire rotate over 65000miles还是how many 65000 miles can the tire rotate,一下子不确定了。 (1) diameter 20 inches (2) velocity is 30 miles per hour 老实说题意不是很明白,我选了A 2。n is a positive integer. does n a prime factor? (1) n's least prime factor is more than the square of n (2) n's least prime factor is more than n/2
阅读,没看过JJ,所以也就不熟悉: 1 downsizing & contract between managers and company
1 downsizing & contract between managers and company 2 native american and 'new period'
2 native american and 'new period' 3 milk galaxy & moon and earth
3 milk galaxy & moon and earth 4 实在想不起来了!
4 实在想不起来了!