Consumer health advocate: Your candy company adds caffeine to your chocolate candy bars so that each one delivers a specified amount of caffeine. Since caffeine is highly addictive, this indicates that you intend to keep your customers addicted.
Candy manufacturer: Our manufacturing process results in there being less caffeine in each chocolate candy bar than in the unprocessed cacao beans from which the chocolate is made.
The candy manufacturer’s response is flawed as a refutation of the consumer health
advocate’s argument because it
(A) fails to address the issue of whether the level of caffeine in the candy bars sold by the manufacture is enough to keep people addicted
(B) assumes without warrant that all unprocessed cacao beans contain a uniform amount of caffeine
(C) does not specify exactly how caffeine is lost in the manufacturing process
(D) treats the consumer heal advocate’s argument as though it were about each candy bar rather than about the manufacturer’s candy in general A
(E) merely contradicts the consumer health advocate’s conclusion without giving any reason to believe that the advocate’s reasoning is unsound
In the dialogue, the candy manufacturer tries to rebut the claim that caffeine is added to chocolate candy bars in order to keep consumers addicted. The rebuttal is that the caffeine added is restoring to the product caffeine that was lost during manufacture. The question asks you to identify why this rebuttal is inadequate.
Choice A is the best answer. The candy manufacturer’s rebuttal amounts to an admission that the candy bars could be manufactured to contain less caffeine than they do. Therefore, the crucial issue for assessing the health advocate’s account of the reason for adding the caffeine is whether the amount of caffeine added is enough to make the candy addictive.
Although choices B and D both describe possible flaws in a response, neither of them is a correct description of the response the manufacturer actually gives. With respect to choice C, although the manufacturer does not specify how the caffeine is lost, the mechanism of manufacture is not relevant to the issue that the health advocate raises. With respect to choice E, the manufacturer does not give any reason for thinking the advocate’s reason is unsound. But contrary to what this choice says, the manufacturer does not actually contradict the health advocate’s conclusion.
题目看懂了,但是想问OG解释中的The rebuttal is that the caffeine added is restoring to the product caffeine that was lost during manufacture这个句子中的restoring意思是什么啊?是还原吗?如果说added修饰第一个caffine,that was lost during manufacture修饰the product caffeine。我迷惑的是为什么说添加的咖啡因会还原成在加工过程中丢失的咖啡因呢?
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-3-3 16:57:24编辑过] |