可以这么理解: 原文结论:This dose not show that marriage causes people to live longer, since, as compared with other people of the same age, young adults who are about to get married have fewer of the unhealthy habits that can cause a person to have a shorter life, most notably smoking and immoderate drinking of alcohol 说明这个与结婚无关,因为与同龄人相比,结了婚后有更少的坏习惯。
题目要求加强 原文结论就是说婚姻不是长寿的原因,要加强必须要加强这个结论
B say: A married person who has an unhealthy habit is more likely to give up that habit than a person with the same habit who is unmarried. 结了婚的人会更可能放弃坏习惯 (这说明是与结婚有关,因为结婚了,有人管所以坏毛病减少了,而原文结论说与婚姻无关)因此,这个选项不是支持,反而是削弱。 E say: Among people who as young adults neither drink alcohol immoderately nor smoke, those who never marry live as long as those who marry. 而E说,没有坏习惯而且没有结婚的人与结婚的一样长寿命。说明长寿命与结婚无关 与结论符合,即支持结论 我觉得做这道题很容易掉到人们的自然生活常识的陷阱里。不过不要粗心就行了。