Evidence: 1. some pieces of pottery of type 3 are found in middle layer 2. these potteries indicate a period latter than the destruction, or the legendary siege Hinted assumption: The lower the layer is, the more ancient the remainings are. Q1: ask for conclusion The middle layer reflects the period latter than the destruction on the basis of linking the potteries excavated and those indicative. Q2: ask for weaken In an attempt to weaken the apparent conclusion, just as Q1 shows, we must question whether the findings, those potteries, is representative of the remainings in the proper period of history. A, the best answer, gives the profound reason that it is highly possible the potteries found are those latter ones, which have been sinking for years through the burrows.
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-6-15 19:38:01编辑过] |