Two decades after Emerald River Dam was built, non of the eight fish species native to the Emerald River was still reproducing adequately in the river below the dam. Since the dam reduced the annual range of water temperature in the river below the dam from 50 degressa to 6 degrees, scientists have hypothesized that sharply rising water temperatures must be involved in signaling the native species to begin the reproductive cycle.
Which of the following statements, if turem would most strengthen the scientists' hypothesis?
A. The native fish species were still able to reproduce only in side strems of the river below the dam where the annula temperature range remains approximately 50 degrees.
B. Before the dam was bulit, The Emerald River annualy overflowed its banks, creating backwaters that were critical breeding areas for the native species of fish.
C. The lowest recorded temperature of the Emerald River before the dam was bulit was 34 degrees, whereas the lowest recorded temperature of the river after the dam was bulit has been 43 degrees.
D. Nonnative species of fish, introduced into the Emerald River after the dame was built, have begun competing with the decling native fish species for food and space.
E. Five of the fish species native to teh Emerald River are not native to any other river in North America.
I was confused by OG 53, can someone can explain the hypothesis "sharply rising water temperatures must be involved in ...." Since the paragraph just mentioned the change of RANGE of temperatue, reducing from 50 to 6, not the absolute temperature.
Why OG said that "for the hypothesis to be tenable it is important that the fish in stream in the River area that retain a wide temp difference have not lose their ability to reproduce "
Thanks in advance.