教授也给你说了是传统金融领域,实际上ML在现在的金融学研究里是一个非常热门的话题,就比如说JFE 去年有一篇用ML搜集图像判断投资者情绪的文章,你可以看看他们是怎么做的,自己感不感兴趣,再去找找哪些学者用ML做金融的比较多,你要是对其他领域感兴趣也可以用类似的方法。Obaid, K., & Pukthuanthong, K. (2022). A picture is worth a thousand words: Measuring investor sentiment by combining machine learning and photos from news. Journal of Financial Economics, 144(1), 273-297.
It depends on whether you want to develop a measurement using ML or you want to build a novel ML model to solve a business problem in a new way.
If you want to develop a measurement using ML, you can use ML on any image or text data to develop a measurement in business research in any area.
If you want to build a novel ML model to solve a business problem, you must work in the design science track of MIS research.