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[阅读小分队] OG2020每日閱讀訓練練習

发表于 2022-3-8 15:21:17 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Hi 大家好,看了很多人分享的閱讀策略,自己也身陷閱讀的瓶頸中,想在這裡發帖打卡,每天學習。閱讀方法,邏輯是按照其他人分享的策略而嘗試寫的。希望大家如果有什麼想法也一起分享,或是一起加入打卡,不孤單。謝謝

Materials/sources: OG-2020 RC questions.


    Human beings, born with a drive to explore and experiment, thrive on learning. Unfortunately, corporations are oriented predominantly toward controlling employees, not fostering their learning. Ironically, this orientation creates the very conditions that predestine employees to mediocre performances. Over time, superior performance requires superior learning, because long-term corporate survival depends on continually exploring new business and organizational opportunities that can create new sources of growth.   

    To survive in the future, corporations must become “learning organizations,” enterprises that are constantly able to adapt and expand their capabilities. To accomplish this, corporations must change how they view employees. The traditional view that a single charismatic leader should set the corporation's direction and make key decisions is rooted in an individualistic worldview. In an increasingly interdependent world, such a view is no longer viable. In learning organizations, thinking and acting are integrated at all job levels. Corporate leadership is shared, and leaders become designers, teachers, and stewards, roles requiring new skills: the ability to build shared vision, to reveal and challenge prevailing mental models, and to foster broader, more integrated patterns of thinking. In short,leaders in learning organizations are responsible for building organizations in which employees are continually learning new skills and expanding their capabilities to shape their future.

簡化句子: 目的讓自己更能聚焦在作者的中心思想上
    Human beings thrive on learning. (Unfortunately), corporations are oriented controlling employees. (主題是講關於人類因為學習而成長茁壯- 作者觀點; 下一句發生轉折. 作用為承上啟下)

(Ironically), this orientation creates the very conditions that predestine employees to mediocre performances. Over time, superior performance requires superior learning, because long-term corporate survival depends on continually exploring new business and organizational opportunities. (承接上句,說明無法learning而有的後果- mediocre performace; 下句說明learning是superior performance的必要條件)

- 小結why this paragraph: 作者想告訴我們: 為什麼要學習-> Human begings thrive on learning (也是這一段落的conclusion); 作者提供:supporting evidence 有無learning與superiour/ mediocre performance的關聯。

    To survive in the future, corporations must become “learning organizations”. To accomplish this, corporations must change how they view employees. (開始給出提議-又再次強調learning -, 作者觀點是公司企業要改變他們如何看待員工)

The traditional view that a single charismatic leader should set the corporation's direction and make key decisions is rooted in an individualistic worldview. In an such increasingly interdependent world, such a view is no longer viable. (說明舊理論已經不可行,必須改變-  感覺是考點,因為上一句寫了要"change"一種方式- 這舊理論是建立在"個人"的世界觀之上)

In learning organizations, thinking and acting are integrated at all jobs level. (接下來說learning organization應該是怎麼樣. thinkg and acting are integrated at all job levels versus individualistic world)
Corporate leadership is shared, and leaders become designers, teachers, and stewards, roles requiring new skills. (感覺接下來是details了,說在learning organization具體會有什麼樣的事情發生) - 自己在做計時練的時候,自己做了一個小總結: traditional - indvidualistic world view versus learning organization - embrace the new things - 一言堂vs 學習新事物的傾象)

In short, leaders in learning organizations are responsible for building organizations in which employees are continually learning new skills and expanding their capabilities to shape their future . (作者總結: leaders在learning organization中會打造一個human beings thrive on learning的環境)

第一段: 說明為什麼學習, 學習跟performance的關聯
第二段: 提出瞭如何在未來茁壯的建議/proposal - to survive...; to accompolish.... - 並且評估舊觀點與作者提議之間的差異。



1) According to the passage,traditional corporate leaders differ from leaders in learning organizations in that former

(A) Encourage employees to concentrate on developing a wide range of skills
(B) Enable employees to recognize and confront dominant corporate models and to develop alternative models
(C) Make important policy decisions alone and then require employees in the corporation to abide by those decisions (第二段的detail中提到- traditional view的同位語裡)
(D) Instill confidence in employees because of their willingness to make risky decisions and accept their consequences
(E) Are concerned with offering employees frequent advice and career guidance

2) Which of the following best describes employees behavior encouraged within learning organizations, as such organizations are described in the passage?

(A) Carefully defining one's job description and taking care to avoid deviation from it
(B) Designing mentoring programs that train new employees to follow procedures that have been used for many years
(C) Concentrating one`s efforts on mastering one aspect of a complicated task
(D) Studying an organizational problem, preparing a report, and submitting it to a corporate leader for approval
(E) Analyzing a problem related to productivity , making a decision about a solution , and implementing that solution (也是在第二段detail中提到- learning organization應是如何)

3) According to the author of the passage, corporate leaders of the future should do which of the following

(A) They should encourage employees put long-term goals ahead of short-term profits
(B) They should exercise more control over employees in order to constrain production costs
(C) They should redefine incentives for employees' performance improvement
(D) They should provide employees with opportunities to gain new skills and expand their capabilities (最後一段的最後一句)
(E) They should promote individual managers who are committed to established company practices

4) The primary purpose of the passage is to

(A) Endorse a traditional corporate structure
(B) Introduce a new approach to corporate leadership and evaluate criticisms of it (看起來滿tempting, 但前面我感覺算對的,但是後面去評估各方的意見與批評,所以不對)
(C) Explain competing theories about management practices and reconcile them
(D) Contrast two typical corporate organizational structures
(E) Propose an alternative to a common corporate approach (同大意分析) 以上是自己的打卡第一天,希望自己每天能堅持,也希望各方高手可以傳授閱讀好方法,不吝指教我的盲點與哪邊的思路錯誤了。謝謝!

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发表于 2022-10-21 17:41:30 | 只看该作者
最后一题的E写的非常泛泛搞得很不像正确答案,然后B长的很有道理的亚子,然而B中的批评新结构并没有在文中出现是硬伤,A C D不符合意思很明显,因而答案只能选E。 不只是阅读 GMAT经常搞看起来很像对的“陷阱选项”来迷惑人,看到读起来太顺溜的就要警惕一下
发表于 2023-11-13 17:12:47 | 只看该作者
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