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攒RP,关于CV,Neil McMillen和Jim Crow资料整理

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发表于 2009-10-8 23:03:00 | 只看该作者

攒RP,关于CV,Neil McMillen和Jim Crow资料整理

网上收集了一些文章和观点以及相关资料,仅供大家做背景参考,红色部分是一些主要涉及,建议大家多搜索一些英文的背景资料,会更有助理解,也希望其他考过的NN们尽量回忆,多多补充,我会慢慢整理,  其他同学有收集到的贴在后面,慢慢一起补充


Neil R.McMillen写过:Dark JourneyBlack Mississippians in the Age of Jim Crow

Dak Journey examines white dominion and black striving in Mississippi during the crucial years of segregation and disenfranchisement. Neil McMillen describes Jim Crow "from the bottom up," from the black Mississippians' own vantage point - whenever useful and possible in their own words.

McMillen portrays the continuing black struggle for autonomy and full citizenship as a journey in three stages, beginning in the lower aftermath of a failed reconstruction, proceeding through a period of expedient, opportunistic accommodation and separate development, and terminating, ultimately, in the favoring milieu of a second age of civil rights. Dark Journey is a revealing, engrossing, profoundly disturbing book reflecting mature judgments, graceful craftsmanship, and deep familiarity with primary sources.

Although McMillen meticulously details white rule, his emphasis throughout is the black experience and particularly black resistance. He examines black economic, educational, and political aspirations, black encounters with the too-similar courts of Jim Crow and Judge Lynch, and evolving black patterns of accommodation and protest. In his interpretation, World War I emerges as an instrument both of protest for the departing and of social leverage for those who stayed behind. 

C. Vann Woodward

1C. Vann Woodward Neil R.McMillen的书:《Dark JourneyBlack Mississippians in the Age of Jim Crow》的评价

"Remarkable for its relentless truth-telling, and the depth and thoroughness of its investigation, for the freshness of its sources, and for the shock power of its findings. Even a reader who is not unfamiliar with the sources and literature of the subject can be jolted by its impact."

2C. Vann Woodward 出过的书The Strange Career of Jim Crow

He argued that the Jim Crow laws of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries not only codified traditional practice but also were a determined effort to erase the considerable progress made by Black people during and after Reconstruction in the 1870's. This revisionist view of Jim Crow legislation grew in Part from the research that Woodward had done for the NAACP (全美有色人种协会)legal campaign during its preparation for Brown v. Board of Education. The Supreme Court had issued its ruling in this epochal desegregation case a few months before Woodward's lectures.

The lectures were soon published as a book. The Strange Career of Jim Crow. Ten years later, in a preface to the second revised edition. Woodward confessed with ironic modesty that the first edition "had begun to suffer under some of the handicaps that might be expected in a history of the American Revolu- tion published in 1776." That was a bit like hearing Thomas Paine apologize for the timing of his pamphlet Common Sense, which had a comparable impact.

3:OTHERS ABOUT 《The Strange Career of Jim Crow》

The book offers a clear and illuminating analysis of the history of Jim Crow laws, presenting evidence that segregation in the South dated only to the 1890s. Woodward convincingly shows that, even under slavery, the two races had not been divided as they were under the Jim Crow laws of the 1890s. In fact, during Reconstruction, there was considerable economic and political mixing of the races. The segregating of the races was a relative newcomer to the region.


吉姆·克劳法 (Jim Crow laws) 泛指18761965美国南部各州以及边境各州对有色人种(主要针对非洲裔美国人,但同时也包含其他族群)实行种族隔离制度的法律。这些法律上的种族隔离强制公共设施必须依照种族的不同而隔离使用,且在隔离但平等的原则下,种族隔离被解释为不违反宪法保障的同等保护权,因此得以持续存在。但事实上黑人所能享有的部份与白人相较往往是较差的,而这样的差别待遇也造成了黑人长久以来处于经济、教育及社会上较为弱势的地位。



[此贴子已经被作者于2009/10/8 23:27:58编辑过]
 楼主| 发表于 2009-10-8 23:10:00 | 只看该作者


V1 by crystalbain

美国在civil war之后已经1860年之前这段时间Mississippi地区种族歧视的状况,几个人针对于这个问题的不同看法。其中有个Mclien说虽然civil war打破了种族歧视的官方依据,但是民间的一些unwritten的歧视观念还存在着,这些东西还很坚持以至于不断发展,到后来终于成了文,叫什么Jim 。。Law的。然后作者又引出了另外一个人说这个Mclien忽视了在这个Jim。。Law成文之前
这个地区的种族歧视的temporary improvement。后面还有一句,意思好像是说,其实这个地方的白人的种族歧视观念很重,使得这个law 其实不是necessary的。。。(记不清了)

第二段就说Mclien 研究了mississippi这个地区的关于种族对抗的特征,就是白人不断的坚持种族歧视,而黑人也在不断的抗争。后来由于南方的白人对于黑人的种族歧视一直持续,这个也成了后来Great Migration的原因之一,黑人有很多从南方移居到了北方,他们不愿意在一个仍然承认种族歧视的地方继续生活下去,这个结果也使得南方的劳动力有所下降,某种程度上抑制了白人对黑人的种族歧视。。。等等。。。忘记了。

V2 by qssqqqss720

还有就是一个将美国南北战争之后密西西比的种族歧视,一个叫jim crow的东东。。。。。。。

V3 by terry_run

黑人权利的文章,提到Jam cro Law, Mc'gell( 貌似spelling 是这样)的人有本书的内容,根据书(在第3段)是不同的stage的不同的party
这个law 的态度。第一题是问对oppression 的态度,5个选项分2个单词一组,没一个单词认识。。

词语有: covert, intermint, engitous, brabrabra....你说我能不晕不。唯2个认识的 cynical illegal 都是在错误选项里。


V4 by 小熊西西

碰到了该死的Jim Crow,整个一个没看懂,汗~而且又暴长,巨多单词不认识。基本上都是猜的。。

V5 by fly2010carol


有一题:问作者提到C.V in order to……我选的答案是为了说明和M相反的一个观点。记得原文里有:M does not 同意某观点,而这个观点是C.V提出的。整段充满各种人名,并且这里前后用逗号把C.V隔开,想让你忽略掉这个可恶的C.V,嘿嘿……但是人民的眼睛是贼亮的~~


V6 by lovepova 620

jim crow law( 文章很长,但是CD上的鸡精和背景资料很丰富很有帮助,一题要自己好好琢磨的是:what's the central ideas of the book of Neil Mclain
读文章的时候好好读~~,我好像选的是18XX - 19XX年时黑人抗争的过程......不确定   还有一题是大家普遍反映看不懂题目的  ,主要是因为单词太难,
omnipresent 无所不在and diverse

V7 by alex6219 690

还有篇就是JIM CROW了,我不记得了,看不懂,有了JJ还是看不懂,JJ上也都在说这个难,唉,背,直接做题目了后来,大家考前拜佛拜天主拜基督,千万别碰到,不过其实我也拜过的,结果真的就碰到了

考古 by somervill


"碰到了杀人的Jim crow.真的不知道说些什么。也没心思读了。

   大概记得的:第一段直接解释了一些Neil MCBlack journal的观点什么的,还出现其它两个人,一个R什么还有一个 C什么,大概NeilR意见一致和C相反吧?没仔细看。后面大概提到 reconstructive politician(好像是 reconstructive)  然后说了他们的做法再有就是提到了密西西比黑人转移阵地,说他们这种不反抗增强了Jim crow效应

题目:1.reconstructive politician观点,high light给你了这个词的位置

2. 作者为什么提到 C? 功能题。说明C出现的作用


4.态度题目,Neil Jim crow的评价

   出现的词大概有什么 convert, egregious, ill,

   cynic 还有几个我不认识了"


"就是那个什么黑人权益法案(Jim Crow?)前人写得也不详细,我没看很明白,但是尽量写写:

类似于 agree and unhappy之类的描述)这个细节在第一段,很不好定位,我感觉是全段文章的大意概括。这个人认为这个仅存在2年(很短一段时间)的法案就是摆摆样子的

出了high light题目。第二段提起两个陌生人的名字,也就一句话,但是考了为啥提这两个人。我压根没看明白。"


长,美国密西西比河流域各州的种族隔离法案,Jim Crow Laws: Mississippi,大家用Jim Crow搜一下可以找到背景资料。该文章比较长,比较难。好像说一个人M写了本书black Journal将内战后白人试图以非法律形式建立种族隔离区,怎末怎么样。实在记不起来了。


"第三篇。jim  craw


一段大概是很多学者对于黑人再jim  craw era 的一些观点。一个人Z的观点提了出来。然后一个叫MC MILLan 的同学也写了一个什么著作。

二段讲MC MILLan 的同学的很多观点。"


遇到了Jim Crowe. 因为之前我没时间看verbalJJ,就光知道它很臭名昭著,所以看了时候就多瞄了几眼,有一题是问,作者M对于Jim Crowe时代内的oppression是持何种观点,第一个选项里有一个词是covet and something(忘记了), 这个covet不认识.我选了第三个, omnipresent and diverse, 估计错了.等下我要好好把JJ关于Jim Crowe的好好研究一下,再来更新.另外有一题,是问提到一个学者的view(定位在第一段后半段,害我找半天),问它的作用,我选他的view和文中McMallian(等下再确定拼法)的相反(大概是这个意思,这个CJim Crowe law之前,oppressionseperation的状况有很大的改善,M和另外一个叫h什么的人这个人是个不相干的,只在这里提到),则认为其实情况还是很严重,以至于在内战后的二十年之内,这个Jim Crowe law其实是形同虚设.).还有一个题目,问的是那些北方的officials, 他们认为....这个定位在第二段捎后.等下我研究一下别人的JJ看能不能想起来.先记下来免得忘记了.

[此贴子已经被作者于2009/10/8 23:10:27编辑过]
发表于 2009-10-9 00:48:00 | 只看该作者


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