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发表于 2013-12-26 16:03:19 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
好像好久没有人在healthcare发帖了,介绍下本人,pharma的PM (sales&MKT Background),5年+工作经验(Domestic MS),希望了解下美国医药公司在招聘季的core school有哪些,是否会给非本国学生就业机会呢?

1. 现在了解有healthcare方向的几个学校有:TUCK, DUKE, UNC, Olin, Owen,BU(HBS/Wharton实在有难度)以上几个学校是否我有说错呢?
2. 担心自己G分数不是很高,如果只有700左右的话,有什么学校比较容易申请些,如果能有些奖学金就更好了?个人觉得DUKE也比较难,请版上大神帮助。

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发表于 2014-1-10 11:22:18 | 只看该作者
Duke 商学院在美国的 healthcare 界是很有名气的,也是美国最大的 healthcare MBA program。几乎所有的大公司都来这里招聘,并且在 healthcare 公司有大量的校友。这对于 networking 有很大的帮助。这是一篇我写的关于美国 healthcare MBA 的博客:


Fuqua (Duke)

Median GMAT: 700
Median undergraduate GPA: 3.5
Median work experience: 5 years

MBA Program length (full-time): 2 years
MBA Program website
Health Sector Management website

Fuqua's Health Sector Management (HSM) is a concentration in the MBA program with dedicated resources. There are many healthcare-specific electives and a specially designed curriculum. Students attend the HSM bootcamp early in summer and can utilize the resources offered by a strong brand. Roughly 90 of the 400 full time MBA students are in the HSM program (~20%), making it the largest healthcare focused program in both absolute number and percentage of total among top business schools.

One attractive aspect of Duke's MBA curriculum is the short term schedule, allowing core courses to be finished in fall semester of the first year. This allows the spring semester to be filled with healthcare electives, which is great preparation for the internship during the summer. The other programs on this page also offer this flexibility (Wharton began allowing electives in first year in 2012), but it appears Duke's is the most flexible. The next 2 years of my blog will be focused on my experience in this program.

Wharton (U Penn)

Median GMAT: 715
Median undergraduate GPA: 3.6
Median work experience: 6 years

Program length (full-time): 2 years
MBA Program website
Health Care Management website

Similar to Duke, Wharton offers a specific Health Care Management (HCM) major. It provides a ton of electives specific for healthcare and the curriculum is tailored for focused training in the industry. A significant portion of the MBA class is in the program (69 out of 834 enrolled, or 8.3%). Combined, this environment would help researchers gain a broad understanding of the entire healthcare realm to supplement strong R&D expertise. There is also an annual healthcare conference and a healthcare club for extracurricular immersion. One thing to note is that all top schools offer a healthcare conference and club, so this should not be a determining factor for any of the schools on this page.

One attractive aspect for people who do not have Ph.D.s is the MBA/MB in biotechnology joint degree program. It is meant to be finished in 2 years, so it is fairly intensive. In addition, students need to be admitted to both the the business school and the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences. Regardless, it should mesh well with people who have experience in research and want to stay in the biotech industry.

Haas (UC Berkeley)

Median GMAT: 710
Median undergraduate GPA: 3.6
Median work experience: 5 years

Program length (full-time): 2 years; 2.5 years for joint MBA/MPH program
MBA Program website
Health Management Area of Emphasis website (click "Health Management")

In many aspects Haas makes sense for someone interested in a healthcare and entrepreneurship focused business education. It is located just outside San Fransisco, making it close to major biotech firms and the best start-up environment. It features many healthcare-specific electives and a famous MBA/MPH joint degree program. The MBA/MPH program consists of 2 summer internships, whereas the 2-year MBA programs have only 1. For those who only want to do the MBA, there is the option to do a Health Management Area of Emphasis.

The MBA program is relatively small, with a class size of roughly 200, of which 15 or so are in the joint-degree program. Like the other programs, there is flexibility in the curriculum and there are many healthcare resources such as clubs and conferences.

Kellogg (Northwestern)

Median GMAT: 710
Median undergraduate GPA: 3.69
Median work experience: 5 years

Program length (full-time): 2 years
MBA Program website
Health Enterprise Management Major website

Kellogg has a well-known Health Enterprise Management (HEMA) major in its MBA program. In fact, one of the eBooks I reviewed shared some insight into the program. Students are required to take 4 healthcare classes to complete the major, including one introductory cornerstone course (similar to HSM bootcamp, I'm assuming). According to the HEMA profile book, 38 out of 484 (7.9%) students in the Class of 2013 were in this healthcare major.
发表于 2014-7-5 19:25:26 | 只看该作者
stevenfuqua 发表于 2014-1-10 11:22
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发表于 2014-7-28 17:22:01 | 只看该作者
Thank you very much, Steven! Your info helps a lot !

发表于 2015-8-11 21:16:16 | 只看该作者
发表于 2016-2-14 22:40:06 | 只看该作者
stevenfuqua 发表于 2014-1-10 11:22
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发表于 2016-2-14 22:40:25 | 只看该作者
stevenfuqua 发表于 2014-1-10 11:22
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发表于 2016-6-27 09:47:44 | 只看该作者
发表于 2016-7-1 11:46:07 | 只看该作者
mark 一下
发表于 2016-8-12 22:03:58 | 只看该作者
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