I am pretty sure about this question before, however just realized that maybe my previous understanding is not right:
A((必要条件) is needed to do B(充分条件) ???????,
in above sentence, we can induce the relationship between a and b as:
A---> B or B--->A
Stronger patent laws are needed to protet invetions from being pirated, With that protection, manufactures would be encouraged to invest in the development of new products and technologies, Such investment frequently results in an increase in a manufacturer's productivity.
which of the following conclusion s can most properly be drawn from the informatin above
C) Manufactures will decrease investment in the development of new products and technologies unless there are stronger patent laws
(Protect investions->Stronger P.L.
Protect investions->investments
Investment->increase productivites
E) Stronger patent laws would stimulate improvements in productitity for many manufacturers
(Stronger P.L ->rotect investions
Protect investions->investments
Investment->increase productivites)
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-10-6 11:01:42编辑过] |