A new tower has just been built at the Verbico military hospital; the number of beds available for patients at the hospital is now 3 times the number available before the new tower was built. Currently, 1/3 of the hospital's original beds, as well as 1/5 of the beds in the new tower, are occupied. For the purposes of renovating the hospital's original wing, all of the patients in the hospital's original beds must be transferred to beds in the new tower. If patients are neither admitted nor discharged during the transfer, what fraction of the beds in the new tower will be unoccupied once the transfer is complete?
官方给的解析是设new tower的床位为x,(1/5)x + (1/3)(1/2)x =(1/5)x + (1/6)x =(6/30)x + (5/30)x =(11/30)x Therefore, 11/30 of the beds in the new tower are occupied, so 1 – 11/30 = 19/30 of them are unoccupied.----这个方法我倒是能按解析说的往下做出来,
但是我自己在模考过程中,我是设original的床位为x,这样我怎么算都不对,不知道哪里出了问题,哪位朋友能帮我解答一下吗?我算了快一个小时了没绕出来这个坑呢。。。 先谢谢你们了~