16、There are 1200 respondents to a poll, each favoring their preference for candidates A, B, and C. 54% favored A, 48% favored B, and 42% favored C, and there is 30% favored both A and B. What’s the largest possible number of respondents favoring C, but not C & B, nor C &A.
17、A plane flied a distance of 800 miles at 360m/h with wind speed. And flied back at 260m/h with wind against it. What’s the average speed of the round-trip?
18、To travel trip of 40 miles… the speed for the first Y miles was X, and the speed for the remaining 40-y is 1.2X. What average speed? (1) x = 12m/h (2) y = 20m/h
以下是引用Zeros在2003-5-17 2:30:00的发言: --------------------------------- 18、To travel trip of 40 miles… the speed for the first Y miles was X, and the speed for the remaining 40-y is 1.2X. What average speed? (1) x = 12m/h (2) y = 20m/h