1 错题总结1.1 错误分布1. 进入状态比较难,以40个题为例,前面10个容易出错,10个至少能错3+/1个,不能保证全对
2. 如果做题为40或者20,容易出现连续几道题都错的情况(说明走神或者精力不集中) 3. 总体正确率稳定在75%+/误差→目标1(85%)→Ultimate goal:90% 1.2 错误类型1. 忽略题干 忽略题干未划线的提示部分(OG.806)等,错过了题干中的重要提示信息而错的 e.g. OG.V.274, ___ the end of the year 2. 忽略两个选项见的微小差异 在两个答案中纠结,忽略答案的细小差异而选错——为什么会忽略?读题方式和时间不够 e.g. · bringing vs. brought (OG.681) · the heavy flooding that led to rains VS. the heavy rains that led to flooding (D选项和E选项OG.V.192) · the three most prominent vs. three most prominent (OG.V.240) · could vs. will (OG.V.274) modal verb is different · “,a part of a deal that makes” vs. “as a part of deal that will make” (OG.V.266) · be的单复数(OG.V.284) · them, it 的信息点 3. 知识点没掌握好 薄弱知识点包括哪些? 1. The antecedent of pronoun. 2. V-ing中having been的判断等 3. Meaning(目前做题的漏洞,很少从语义去判断) 4. Unknown idioms 4. 短暂性知识点误判 做题时一时短路,看答案恍然大悟 5. 鼠标误点 有那么一两道(Minor)