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总结了7.30换库之后的机经~攒人品 8.10考试加油呀

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发表于 2018-8-1 19:36:07 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
另外求助阅读 鸡骨头那篇 有人知道吗..
还有数学目测有一道圆柱体展开最大最小blabla 有人能讲解吗..


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发表于 2018-8-1 20:02:13 | 只看该作者
发表于 2018-8-1 20:45:03 | 只看该作者
Chicken Bones Suggest Polynesians Found Americas Before Columbus
By Heather Whipps | June 4, 2007 02:02pm ET

Which came first–the chicken or the European?

Popular history, and a familiar rhyme about Christopher Columbus, holds that Europeans made contact with the Americas in 1492, with some arguing that the explorer and his crew were the first outsiders to reach the New World.

But chicken bones recently unearthed on the coast of Chile—dating prior to Columbus’ “discovery” of America and resembling the DNA of a fowl species native to Polynesia—may challenge that notion, researchers say.

“Chickens could not have gotten to South America on their own—they had to be taken by humans,” said anthropologist Lisa Matisoo-Smith from the University of Auckland, New Zealand.

Polynesians made contact with the west coast of South America as much as a century before any Spanish conquistadors, her findings imply.

DNA in bone

The chicken bones were discovered at an archaeological site called El Arenal, on the south coast of Chile, alongside other materials belonging to the indigenous population. While chickens aren’t native to the region, it was believed the local Araucana species found there now was brought to the Americas by Spanish settlers around 1500.

Question : The author uses the term "While chickens aren’t native to America" (see highlighted text) in order to indicate that

Tests on the bones, however, now indicate the birds arrived well before any European made landfall in South America, Matisoo-Smith and her colleague Alice Storey found.

“We had the chicken bone directly dated by radio carbon. The calibrated date was clearly prior to 1492,” Matisoo-Smith told LiveScience, noting that it could have ranged anywhere from 1304 to 1424. “This also fits with the other dates obtained from the site (on other materials), and it fits with the cultural period of the site.”

Question : Which of the following is the Alice Storey and the team’s finding?

Did Polynesians continue eastwards?

DNA extracted from the bones also matched closely with a Polynesian breed of chicken, rather than any chickens found in Europe.

Polynesia was settled by sailors who migrated from mainland Southeast Asia, beginning about 3,000 years ago. They continued gradually eastwards, but were never thought to have journeyed further than Easter Island, about 2,000 miles off the coast of continental Chile.

The chicken DNA suggests at least one group did make the harrowing journey across the remaining stretch of Pacific, Matisoo-Smith said.

“We cannot say exactly which island the voyage came from. The DNA sequence is found in chickens from Tonga, Samoa, Niue, Easter Island and Hawaii,” Matisoo-Smith said. “If we had to guess, we would say it was unlikely to have come from West Polynesia and most likely to have come from Easter Island or some other East Polynesian source that we have not yet sampled.”

The results are detailed in the latest issue of the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Kon-Tiki trip in reverse

It might be the most tangible, but this isn’t the first evidence that pre-Columbian voyages from the Pacific to South America were possible.

In 1947, Thor Heyerdahl, the famous Norwegian anthropologist, made the voyage from Peru to Polynesia aboard his Kon-Tiki raft to prove the trip was doable with a rudimentary vessel.

There are more scientific arguments, too, said Matisoo-Smith.

“There is increasing evidence of multiple contacts with the Americas,” she said, “based on linguistic evidence and similarities in fish hook styles.” Physical evidence of human DNA from Polynesia has yet to be found in South America, she added.

First Chickens in Americas Were Brought From Polynesia

Why did the chicken cross the Pacific Ocean? To get to the other side, in South America. How? By Polynesian canoes, which apparently arrived at least 100 years before Europeans settled the continent.

That is the conclusion of an international research team, which reported yesterday that it had found “the first unequivocal evidence for a pre-European introduction of chickens to South America,” or presumably anywhere in the New World.

The researchers said that bones buried on the South American coast were from chickens that lived between 1304 and 1424. Pottery at the site was from a similar or earlier time. A DNA analysis linked the bones, which were excavated at El Arenal on the Arauco Peninsula in south central Chile, to chickens from Polynesian islands.

The findings are being published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. The lead author is Alice A. Storey, an anthropologist at the University of Auckland, New Zealand, and other team members are from American Samoa, Australia, Canada and the United States.

The research group and other anthropologists said the bones supported the idea that Polynesians in their far-ranging canoes had by then not only populated the Pacific as far east as Hawaii and Easter Island, but also had on occasion reached the Americas.

But Dr. Storey’s group said that no firm “archaeological evidence for Polynesian contact with the Americas has been reported before now.”

For more than 30 years, scholars have debated when and how chickens reached the Americas: whether in pre-Columbian times, possibly by Polynesian visitors, or when Portuguese and Spanish settlers arrived in South America after 1500. Most experts had favored the latter hypothesis.

Others thought this unlikely, noting that when the Spanish invaded Peru in 1532, they saw chickens being used in traditional ceremonies. It seemed hard to believe, some scholars pointed out, that chickens would have been so rapidly dispersed from the east coast to the west and already be incorporated in religious events.

From the DNA examination, Dr. Storey and colleagues concluded, the El Arenal bones had a close genetic relationship to chickens from prehistoric sites on several islands, Tonga and American Samoa in particular. Further analysis of prehistoric chicken samples from the islands is expected to discern the specific origin and timing of the Chilean chickens.

Scholars found it disappointing and puzzling that the Polynesians who landed at El Arenal left nothing more than chicken bones. Pottery at the site is in a local style. Perhaps the visitors ate and ran, but not without leaving behind some starter chickens for future plates of arroz con pollo.

4 June 2007
Polynesians beat Columbus to the Americas

By Emma Young

Prehistoric Polynesians beat Europeans to the Americas, according to a new analysis of chicken bones.

The work provides the first firm evidence that ancient Polynesians voyaged as far as South America, and also strongly suggests that they were responsible for the introduction of chickens to the continent – a question that has been hotly debated for more than 30 years.

Chilean archaeologists working at the site of El Arenal-1, on the Arauco Peninsula in south-central Chile, discovered what they thought might be the first prehistoric chicken bones unearthed in the Americas. They asked Elizabeth Matisoo-Smith at the University of Auckland, New Zealand, and colleagues to investigate.

The group carbon-dated the bones and their DNA was analysed. The 50 chicken bones from at least five individual birds date from between 1321 and 1407 – 100 years or more before the arrival of Europeans.

Two-week journey

However, this date range does coincide with dates for the colonization of the easternmost islands of Polynesia, including Pitcairn and Easter Island.

And when the El Arenal chicken DNA was compared with chicken DNA from archaeological sites in Polynesia, the researchers found an identical match with prehistoric samples from Tonga and American Samoa, and a near identical match from Easter Island.

Easter Island is in eastern Polynesia, and so is a more likely launch spot for a voyage to South America, the researchers say. The journey would have taken less than two weeks, falling within the known range of Polynesian voyages around this time, says Matisoo-Smith.

First real evidence

Other researchers have found indirect evidence that Polynesians might have made it to the Americas before Europeans. “But this is the first concrete evidence – not something based on a similarity in the styles of artefacts or a linguistic similarity,” says Matisoo-Smith.

It is also the first clear evidence that the chicken was introduced before the Europeans arrived.

Genetic studies of modern South Americans have not uncovered any signs of Polynesian ancestry. But this is not surprising, says Matisoo-Smith. Ancient Polynesians were great explorers, but tended to settle only in uninhabited islands.
It seems that if they found other people, they would usually turn around and go home, she says.



[V1] by michellejgao (ID: 829834)
另外一个是研究美国的鸡的..说一个人和他的团队研究了鸡..说他们是从XX地方来的..远比XX早..然后后面作者又提出新的research反驳了这个人..然后第二段又说这个人provide还是怎样..反正提出另外一个support自己的观点..然后作者又反驳..问了主旨..然后有高亮一句好像叫"this chicken is native american"还是啥了..失忆..反正有native american和chicken的一句话..

[V2] by eafwlight

考题地一段是说一本杂志上刊登了s这个人的推断说有其他人群(好像就是那个p开头的)比哥伦布先到达美洲,例证是鸡,而且说p在亚洲太平洋地区航行的时候就有把鸡带过去;第二段说s的团队发现了进一步的论证来证明她的观点,一个是dna,后面两个忘了,总之有三个理由,但是这三个理由都有一定的瑕疵,然后文章就结束了,一屏幕不到一点 这三个理由都是关于鸡的,总之第二段就一直在说鸡的问题

[V3] by 0220 上海RITA

考了大象和蜜蜂那道。有个问题说,在第一段中,怎么说明king的方法在前人方法上有improve。我记得有个选项是说大象对calls and rumbles的反映比看见其他大象shake heads 的反映强烈。大象那个题还有个是说最后一段king的发现的作用。我选的是把调查结果用于实践

[V4] by august1980 (ID: 735773)


第一段说几个人在Chile(LZ最向往的国家)挖了块鸡骨头,通过carbon radition测量发现它早于哥伦布到达美洲,



由于是最后几个题了,LZ只记得一个说 距离说鸡骨头是为了什么(选和后文出现的另一证据一起支持xxx结论)

[V5] by 0221 广州 freya

第一段:Storey领导一个team在美洲智利发现有个鸡骨头,测出来是发生在1380~1410年左右(有题)。而美洲没有鸡(the chicken bones is not native to America这句话高亮,有题),因此那人说有人(Polynesia)来到美洲的时间比哥伦布早。然后说Polynesia人确实有把自己国家的鸡带到travel的地方, 所以发现的这个鸡是P带来的。不过,这个P人最远是到那个easter …地方,然后这个easter…地方是2000 miles away from the western of the chile。

第二段:通过对鸡骨头DNA检测 证明了story的想法 但这一段中story每提一个观点 都有其他人提出一些削弱意见这里考了细节题但最后文章主要还是没有批驳story的意思
最后一句话是 如果能证明波西尼亚人是早于哥伦布来到美洲的 then the remain question would be how they bring the chicken to the continent (不晓得那时候P怎么到带鸡骨头到美洲


(1)  the team of story found that
(2)  which of the following if occured  would most expain the apparent date of the chicken bone
(3)  other study views are used to (question the strengthen of story's theory)注意 这些观点只是削弱story观点的力度 而非否定
Q3.Hight light句子的作用。Hight light的句子是“美洲确实没有这种鸡”

A. 它摒弃了一种可能性,这种可能性在文章中也没有明确提出
B. impicate chicken bone the age
C: imply polynicia people does( not) bring the domestice chick to the america

Q7.以下哪一个是Alice Story的team 的finding, 比较tricky,

选项有p那些人把 鸡带到island, 鸡有什么基因,基因的特殊性, 基因和现代的鸡相似, 鸡化石里的基因和欧洲亚洲鸡的不同和相似程度, 仔细读第二段
哪个观点符合storey 的观点?

42.** 谁先到达美洲
[V1]By rancle

哥伦布和P什么的一个谁先到达美洲的问题,设计到智力(国家),扯到了一个鸡骨头,内容比较多,题目也不难。说一个team,研究骨头,non-native for america,说明P比欧洲人早到。第二段,有人跳出来说这是不是的,鸡骨头XXX,很复杂的一段东西,在哪里有,哪里没有。就是反驳第一段,然后最后来了句,即使如何被带到智力还是哪里还是不知道(有道题选项是这个,但是不选)。

[V2]By yxz2289



谁比谁早到US  由一只鸡引发的问题 什么DNA啊什么的

[V4]By vincci (700)

波利尼亚人带鸡的那篇,狗狗很详细了。问题有,S这个人到底发现了啥  文章主旨是啥  还有高亮那句美国没有鸡 想要说明啥(之前狗的答案应该没错)

[V5]Bydaisyeni (720)

问 以下哪一个是Alice Story的team 的finding, 比较tricky,


p那些人把 鸡带到island,

然后还有问主旨题第一题是highlight the chicken is not native to American, 问作用

[V8]By tongjihansey (760)


[V9]By 喵喵陆 (730)



第一段:Storey发现美洲有个鸡骨头,测出来是发生在1380~1410年左右(有题)。而美洲没有鸡(the chicken bones is not native to America这句话高亮,有题),因此那人说有人(Polynesia)来到美洲的时间比哥伦布早。然后说Polynesia人确实有把自己国家的鸡带到travel的地方。不过呢,这个P人最远是到那个easter 什么什么地方,然后这个easter 什么什么地方是2000 miles away from the western of the chile。

第二段:Storey又说通过DNA证明那鸡确实是Polynesia带来的。但是recent研究指出,这种DNA在所有鸡身上都有,研究还发现鸡骨头里DNA有unusual genic 存在于rare modren asian 的鸡中,而这个DNA没有在(P中以及)most mordern 鸡中发现。(这句话挺绕的~我也不知道有没有翻译正确或者完全)结尾就是不晓得P怎么把鸡带到美洲的。中间一大段没怎么看。最后说如果鸡确实不在美洲,那么确实有人比哥伦布早到达美洲。文章最后结尾的时候说,而且不晓得那时候P怎么到带鸡骨头到美洲,主旨题和细节题的选项中有有关如何到达的美洲的干扰选项,不要选~但最后文章主要还是没有批驳story的意思,这些观点只是削弱story观点的力度 而非否定。


Q1. Hight light前面讲了鸡骨头date是1300BC,而欧洲人到这里是1200BC(反正欧洲人到的时间晚),然后就出现这high light的话。

我选的是,作者暗示地否定了一个解释。选项里面有 explictly state, implictly, explanation 等词。

Q2. 主旨题有干扰选项,分别是polynesian是否把鸡骨头带到美洲和鸡怎么会出现在美洲(没记错的话应该是这样的)不确定有题问recent研究为了什么?other study 用来question the strengthen of the theory主旨:鸡怎么会出现在美洲

感谢丫ss(710) 童鞋确认~和这个挺像:[V2]By yxz2289第一段就是原狗主写的那样,我补充一下第二段:那个人又说通过DNA证明那鸡确实是那帮家伙(R开头的)带来的。但是现在有科学家指出,这种DNA在所有鸡身上都有,因此驳斥了那个人。然后一直在解释为什么驳斥第一段的观点,这里考了细节题。最后说如果鸡确实不在美洲,那么确实有人比哥伦布早到达美洲。2011-11-02 16:54:37谢谢LZ~~一会就把你的补充加上去~~但是LZ~~内个不是考古噻!!分割线下边的是考古 LZ能再看看么??谢谢谢谢~~还有一些750770大牛回忆的题目和答案


1. 主题题

2. Hightlight句子的作用。Hight light的句子是“美洲确实没有这种鸡”

3.就是那个细节题,问哪个选项最符合第二段的人的观点2011-11-02 17:03:24
[V1]By rankle
哥伦布和P什么的一个谁先到达美洲的问题,设计到智力(国家),扯到了一个鸡骨头,内容比较多,题目也不难。说一个team,研究骨头,non-native for america,说明P比欧洲人早到。第二段,有人跳出来说这是不是的,鸡骨头XXX,很复杂的一段东西,在哪里有,哪里没有。就是反驳第一段,然后最后来了句,即使如何被带到智力还是哪里还是不知道(有道题选项是这个,但是不选)。

[V2]By yxz2289




(730)第一段说有个研究小组研究一个unearth的chicken bone,说这个bone有多少年历史,反正就是在殖民者来之前就有了,而chicken is not native to America (有出题,问这话说明了什么,我也不知道,我选的是“它摒弃了一种可能性,这种可能性在文章中也没有明确提出”)


第三段继续讲那个小组的研究。By SherryBNU(730M51V37)


By lv1015(650)还有一篇是讲在哥伦布到美洲之前就有一帮人已经来过,证据就是鸡骨头,他们只在这帮人的家乡发现过,但后来就出现了一个转折说,其实通过DNA判断的这骨头在modern鸡里面也有,不一定是那帮人带到美洲的。



V1 by罗马金匠(690)


V2 by ft67795252


V3 by leavesgone讲考古发现chicken 的骨头那篇证明某P比哥伦布到达的更早。

V4 by sophiemaa (750)


第二段推翻了Storey女士的推测:P比哥伦比亚更早到美洲。 有一个问题是问到第二段的,

第二段提到ASIAN 是为了说明在美洲的鸡骨头不像ASIAN的,而更像european,所以是应该是欧洲人先到美洲的。文章最后结尾的时候说,而且不晓得那时候P怎么到带鸡骨头到美洲,主旨题和细节题的选项中有有关如何到达的美洲的干扰选项,不要选~

V4 by qssqqqss    (720)

V5 by daisyao


第一段: 说storey发现了一个鸡骨头,the chicken bones is not native to America (这句话highlight~然后问他的作用,当时我选了 implicate chickbone the age~`但是后来觉得好像不太对~比较像C: imply polynicia people does not (忘记是否定还是肯定了)bring the domestice chick to the america~~不过都不是很确定啊~大家自己确定啊) 然后说polynicia人确实有把自己国家的鸡带到travel的地方。不过呢,这个P人最远是到那个easter 什么什么地方,然后这个easter 什么什么地方是2000miles away from the western of the chile。

第二段: 然后呢这个storey说他们还可以用DNA作为证据啊~发现这个这个鸡骨头的DNA跟那个P人的鸡很像哦~BUT (转折咯)根据研究呢,其实这个鸡骨头的DNA在modern的鸡中也很普遍啊~。而且这个研究还发现了,这个鸡骨头里头(这里还有一个可能是:easter 什么什么地方的鸡骨头) DNA有unusual genic 存在于rare modren asian 的鸡中,而这个DNA没有在(P中以及)most mordern 鸡中发现。(这句话挺绕的~我也不知道有没有翻译正确或者完全)结尾就是不晓得P怎么把鸡带到美洲的。题目:有主旨题,其他就真的想不起来啥了呢~不过我知道 我说很绕的那句话 考了题目~把那句话理解了很多题目都可以做到~还记起来一题: 关于Mordern的鸡哪个选项是对的?我选什么也不记得了~真真不好意思

V6 by wxwgogochicken bone

第一段讲story这个人发现了智利鸡骨头 时间在哥伦布发现新大陆前 所以有可能波西尼亚人是比哥伦布更早到达美洲第二段讲通过对鸡骨头DNA检测 证明了story的想法 但这一段中story每提一个观点 都有其他人提出一些削弱意见 但最后文章主要还是没有批驳story的意思最后一句话是 如果能证明波西尼亚人是早于哥伦布来到美洲的 then the remain question would be how they bring the chicken to the continent

(1)  the team of story found that
(2)  which of the following if occured  would most explain the apparent date of the chicken bone
(3)  other study views are used to (question the strengthen of story's theory) 注意 这些观点只是削弱story观点的力度 而非否定

V7 by 若耶鸡骨头


V8 by dong80 (750)

1. 主题(两个选项比较纠集)

A. argue 波斯尼亚人比欧洲人先到美洲(作者是否同意这个观点呢?不同意的话就不应该用argue,没有选);
B. 提到鸡骨头(感觉靠谱,选了)2. JJ中Hight light的作用。Hight light前面讲了鸡骨头date是1300BC,而欧洲人到这里是1200BC(反正欧洲人到的时间晚),然后就出现这high light的话。

我选的是,作者暗示地否定了一个解释。选项里面有 explictly state, implictly, explanation 等词。

V9 by anzhiying

第一段说story发现了波西米亚人可能比欧洲人来的早 原因发现鸡骨头

第二段先说DNA可以证明这观点 再说recent研究表明反驳了这一观点 然后提出了几点证据最后有题问recent研究为了什么 答案好几个都是反对story不同的观点
 楼主| 发表于 2018-8-1 20:52:34 | 只看该作者
bzy! 发表于 2018-8-1 20:45
Chicken Bones Suggest Polynesians Found Americas Before Columbus
By Heather Whipps | June 4, 2007 02 ...

发表于 2018-8-1 20:52:40 | 只看该作者
发表于 2018-8-2 09:51:03 | 只看该作者
发表于 2018-8-8 01:30:44 | 只看该作者
kekebutterfly 发表于 2018-8-2 09:51

发表于 2018-8-9 05:30:41 来自手机 | 只看该作者
发表于 2018-08-01 08:45:03
Chicken Bones Suggest Polynesians Found Americas B...

发表于 2018-8-10 12:25:58 | 只看该作者
发表于 2018-8-10 12:29:32 | 只看该作者
同问 今天有没有换库啊 明天考试?
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