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[考古] JJ gmat 閱讀-18 P16考古 補充資料

发表于 2018-3-12 13:44:02 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
P16 能抑制癌症發生,藉由抑制細胞分裂,當細胞不再分裂時細胞即老化。

腫瘤抑制蛋白(tumor suppressor protein)是對抗癌症最有效的方法之一。研究指出,其中的某些蛋白質透過監控細胞的複製來防止癌症發生。如果細胞出現不正常的複製,腫瘤抑制蛋白質會誘發細胞死亡或讓細胞衰老(就像是提早退休)。細胞雖然存活了下來,卻不再具備分裂的能力。腫瘤抑制蛋白在人類生存上頭扮演一個關鍵角色,但科學家最近發現了一個奇怪的現象:在某些方面,人類要是沒有這些腫瘤抑制蛋白,或許會比較好些。

美國北卡羅來納大學教堂山分校的夏普里斯(Norman E. Sharpless)改造小鼠的基因,以便研究其中一種腫瘤抑制蛋白p16(更正確的稱呼是p16-Ink4a)的功效。他與同事培育了p16基因失去功能的小鼠品系,因此這種小鼠無法製造p16。他們在2006年9月發表了針對這些小鼠所做的三項研究。一如所料,這些小鼠比較容易罹患癌症,而得病的時間是在一歲大的時候。

另一位未參與該研究的夏普雷斯(Norman Sharpless)博士也說:「實際上,研究人員長期以來就發現衰老的細胞,也就是不再進行細胞分裂的老化細胞,有害於健康的狀態而導致老化的過程,包括肌肉無力、心臟問題、白內障以及其他的病痛。但是老化細胞是否造成傷害仍然是晦暗不明,是因為他們會持續地釋放發炎分子例如生長激素(cytokines);或他們只是單純地因為無法執行正常的細胞功能而造成傷害」。夏普雷斯博士目前在北卡羅納大學專長為老年病學與發生學。
為了解答這個問題,癌症生物學家范戴爾森(Jan van Deursen)與他在梅約醫院(Mayo Clinic)的同事設計了一個很精巧的試驗。衰老的細胞常常帶有很多遺傳分子上的問題,分泌一種叫做p16的抑制癌細胞分子。范戴爾森與他的團隊得到一個有早老症的老鼠品系,會在年紀還輕的時候就帶有各種老化的疾病。他們還插入一個基因到這個品系的老鼠,該基因能夠讓吃了rosiglitazone(治療糖尿病的藥物)的老鼠體內有表現p16的細胞(亦即衰老細胞)被選擇性殺死。

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发表于 2018-3-12 15:07:28 | 只看该作者
发表于 2018-3-13 00:09:54 | 只看该作者
发表于 2018-3-15 21:39:43 | 只看该作者
发表于 2018-3-15 22:01:00 | 只看该作者
BIOLOGISTS have made a lot of progress in understanding ageing. They have not, however, been able to do much about slowing it down. Particular versions of certain genes have been shown to prolong life, but that is no help to those who do not have them. A piece of work reported in this week's Nature by Darren Baker of the Mayo Clinic, in Minnesota, though, describes an extraordinary result that points to a way the process might be ameliorated. Dr Baker has shown—in mice, at least—that ageing body cells not only suffer themselves, but also have adverse effects on otherwise healthy cells around them. More significantly, he has shown that if such ageing cells are selectively destroyed, these adverse effects go away.

The story starts with an observation, made a few years ago, that senescent cells often produce a molecule called P16INK4A. Most body cells have an upper limit on the number of times they can divide—and thus multiply in number. P16INK4A is part of the control mechanism that brings cell division to a halt when this limit is reached.

The Hayflick limit, as the upper bound is known (after Leonard Hayflick, the biologist who discovered it), is believed to be an anticancer mechanism. It provides a backstop that prevents a runaway cell line from reproducing indefinitely, and thus becoming a tumour. The limit varies from species to species—in humans, it is about 60 divisions—and its size is correlated with the lifespan of the animal concerned. Hayflick-limited cells thus accumulate as an animal ages, and many biologists believe they are one of the things which control maximum lifespan. Dr Baker's experiment suggests this is correct.

Age shall not weary them

Dr Baker genetically engineered a group of mice that were already quite unusual. They had a condition called progeria, meaning that they aged much more rapidly than normal mice. (A few unfortunate humans suffer from a similar condition.) The extra tweak he added to the DNA of these mice was a way of killing cells that produce P16INK4A. He did this by inserting into the animals' DNA, near the gene for P16INK4A, a second gene that was, because of this proximity, controlled by the same genetic switch. This second gene, activated whenever the gene for P16INK4A was active, produced a protein that was harmless in itself, but which could be made deadly by the presence of a particular drug. Giving a mouse this drug, then, would kill cells which had reached their Hayflick limits while leaving other cells untouched. Dr Baker raised his mice, administered the drug, and watched.

The results were spectacular. Mice given the drug every three days from birth suffered far less age-related body-wasting than those which were not. They lost less fatty tissue. Their muscles remained plump (and effective, too, according to treadmill tests). And they did not suffer cataracts of the eye. They did, though, continue to experience age-related problems in tissues that do not produce P16INK4A as they get old. In particular, their hearts and blood vessels aged normally (or, rather, what passes for normally in mice with progeria). For that reason, since heart failure is the main cause of death in such mice, their lifespans were not extended.

The drug, Dr Baker found, produced some benefit even if it was administered to a mouse only later in life. Though it could not clear cataracts that had already formed, it partly reversed muscle-wasting and fatty-tissue loss. Such mice were thus healthier than their untreated confrères.

Analysis of tissue from mice killed during the course of the experiment showed that the drug was having its intended effect. Cells producing P16INK4A were killed and cleared away as they appeared. Dr Baker's results therefore support the previously untested hypothesis that not only do cells which are at the Hayflick limit stop working well themselves, they also have malign effects (presumably through chemicals they secrete) on their otherwise healthy neighbours.

Regardless of the biochemical details, the most intriguing thing Dr Baker's result provides is a new way of thinking about how to slow the process of ageing—and one that works with the grain of nature, rather than against it. Existing lines of inquiry into prolonging lifespan are based either on removing the Hayflick limit, which would have all sorts of untoward consequences, or suppressing production of the oxidative chemicals that are believed to cause much of the cellular damage which is bracketed together and labelled as senescence. But these chemicals are a by-product of the metabolic activity that powers the body. If 4 billion years of natural selection have not dealt with them it suggests that suppressing them may have worse consequences than not suppressing them.

By contrast, actually eliminating senescent cells may be a logical extension of the process of shutting them down (they certainly cannot cause cancer if they are dead), and thus may not have adverse consequences. It is not an elixir of life, for eventually the body will run out of cells, as more and more of them reach their Hayflick limits. But it could be a way of providing a healthier and more robust old age than people currently enjoy.

Genetically engineering people in the way that Dr Baker engineered his mice is obviously out of the question for the foreseeable future. But if some other means of clearing cells rich in P16INK4A from the body could be found, it might have the desired effect. The wasting and weakening of the tissues that accompanies senescence would be a thing of the past, and old age could then truly become ripe
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