Ashley的归纳题 Which of the following can be correctly inferred fromthe statements above?(原文推选项) Which of the following hypotheses is best supportedby the statements given?(原文决定选项) Which of the following conclusions can properlybe drawn from the statements above? from the statements above不 你应该重点去理解作者观点
原文—> 选项 解题流程问题 问题 辨识题型 读意思100%or读标志词60%-70% 结论对象 练习主动性阅读 文章:读完整和结论对象相关信息 1. 节省时间 2 避免受到错误选项的误导 主动性阅读:1 主动选择文章内容去读 2 完整(内容上完整)(this代词往前去读完整:the+名词;专有名词往前看下解释) ★发现加强削弱文章对象是整个一篇 要读文章整个一篇吗? 整个文章是作者写的,你真正要读的是作者的观点 BF 找观点句3个标志:结论句子conclude thatit is clear that 标志therefore thus;好坏对错 因果关系。作者观点总在转折后。不然找标志词 原文à 选项根据结论题的考点选项分成两种情况(原文à 选项。 而选项是我们要去求解的内容x。把选项放在结论的位置。换而言之我们现在选的选项就是要去求原文的结论。(考点是考文章结论) (考点是考文章结论) 选项:à有结论句 à √同义改写(是意思的同义改写 不是单词哦)谢霆锋是男的&他不会穿花裙子 错误答案入手(既然选项是被原文决定)àû 1没有对应意思的内容(实质性名词你我形容词聪明的副词动词) (比较asas,than 不能随便比,要么是传递,要么是同一范围比较, 是不是一个范围的?)(极端any系列,all, never,primary,only.soly))2违背原文的,反的 à无结论(文章的事实关系表达) 同上1(因为属于原文推选项的题) à√符合陈述(原文同义改写 符合3句话任一一句) “”没有转折 然后看有没有标志词决定要不要全文去读
不是读全文(作者写的)真正要去读的是作者的观点 -------- A computer equipped withsignature-recognition software, which restricts access to a computer to thosepeople whose signatures are on file,identifies a person’s signature by analyzingnot only the form of the signature but also such characteristics as penpressure and signing speed.Even the most adept forgers cannot duplicate all ofthe characteristics the program analyzes. Which of the followingcan be logically concludedfrom the passage above? (A) The time it takes torecord and analyze a signature makes the software impractical for everyday use. (B) Computers equippedwith the software will soon be installed In most banks. (C) Nobody can gain accessto a computer equipped with the software solely by virtue of skill at forgingsignatures. (D) Signature-recognitionsoftware has taken many years to develop and perfect. (E) In many cases evenauthorized users are denied legitimate access to computers equipped with thesoftware. Meteorite explosions in the Earth’satmosphere as large as the one(爆炸) that destroyed forests in Siberia, with approximately the force ofa twelve-megaton nuclear blast, occur about once a century. The response ofhighly automated systems controlled by complex computer programs to unexpected circumstancesis unpredictable.(not certain) Which of the following conclusions canmost properly be drawn, if the statements above are true, about a highly automatednuclear-missile defense system controlled by a complex computer program? 1分成两句读是和一样,是发生 2 不读by 读to A没说 不是有相同的词 文章你优选读第二句 ★他会给你一个专门的逻辑行为对象 告诉你针对哪个进行逻辑行为对象 看那部分 主动性阅读方式(非预计环境不可预计) A) Within a century after itsconstruction, the system would react inappropriately and might accidentallystart a nuclear war.(Gmat看意思!!!nuclearblast)A 原文没有说 核暴力核战争(你看这个错项的信息来自第一句即和文章逻辑对象无关的信息)(760的人干练) B) The system would be destroyedûif an explosion of a large meteorite occurred in the Earth’s atmosphere. C) It would be impossible for the system to distinguish theû explosion of a large meteorite from the explosionof a nuclear weapon. C 没说分辨爆炸,等等 D) Whether the system would respond inappropriatelyûto the explosion of a large meteorite would depend on thelocation of the blast. E) It is not certain what the system’s response to theexplosion of a large meteorite would be, if its designers did not plan for such acontingency. 1和2 问题范围不同 针对哪个 行为对象已经告诉你了+ 2可以不读前面。
750+ 必须是主动性阅读方式
全文。Or主动性阅读(问题是什么 我就读什么 问题要你读什么 你就读什么 有目的性 文章里你要去主动挑选你要读的内容)
加速:1 词汇量!速度 2 熟悉句子结构(用直译的方式)3 读文章多少(读逻辑行为对象) 针对逻辑对象去读 要你加强削弱谁你就先读谁 hlp节时正确率 不要被动去接受整片文章而是主动的选择去读 为了保证正确率先去读重点内容(如果非要读提醒自己这只是次要内容次要内容,选项出现次要内容提醒自己这是无关的,最好不要读)代词识别 PACE: 尽力每道题做到最快就可以 不要规定必须 保证正确率;提高速度(个人能力和个性干练)GMAT考你时间
G的无关选项一般是从原文中取个词 “谢霆锋是蓝天白云”
91.Huge national budget deficits do not causehuge trade deficits. 这个是观点句因果关系的 选项找 BF题很重要 他能帮助我们以后读文章很快的识别观点句和论证 91. Hugenational budget deficits do not cause huge trade deficits. If they=(尤其代词在主语位置要优先呼应主语budget deficits的,当代词在主语位置 两句话之间主语呼应)(Huge national budget deficits)did(= causehuge trade deficits)如果大的赤字引起了贸易逆差 (因为它不会引起贸易逆差 所以用虚拟), countries with the hugest budget deficits would also have the hugest tradedeficits(语法和阅读决定逻辑啊)(你得看懂they和did指代的点再去多读文章不然很危险,本来读第一句就能懂的,读多了confuse). Actually, when 因为deficitfigures are adjusted so that different countries are reliably comparable to eachother, there is no such correlation因果关系的意思所以往前找因果关系(指代budget deficits do not cause huge trade deficits)所以没有关系. if the statements(观点句) above are all true, which of the following can properly be inferred onthe basis of them? ★G:读懂观点句就可以了。(此题后面是考你知不知道逻辑的结论对象的)阅读考你的句子也是能读懂的干扰你的就难理解 从考点出发 (A) Countries with huge national budget deficits tendto restrict foreign trade. (restrict foreign trade.没有说过) ² 读的越多把次要理解成重要,易出错 要读多理解能力必须强不然会障碍阅读 (B) Reliable comparisons of the deficit figuresof one country with those= figures ofare impossible. (different countries are reliablycomparable to each other,反的) (C) Reducing a country's national budget deficit will not necessarily resultin a lowering of any trade deficitthat country may have.(not加极端any 就不极端了) (D) When countries are ordered from largest to smallest in terms of population,the smallest countries generally have the smallest budget and trade deficits.
(E) Countrieswith the largest trade deficits neverhave similarly large national budget deficits. 极端
88.Berlum company will use trees from its forests for two products. The treetrunks will be used for lumber and the branches converted into wood chips to makefiberboard. The cost of this conversion would be the same whether done at the loggingplace, where the trees are debranched, or at the factory. However, wood chips occupy less than half the volumeof the branches from which they (woodchips主语呼应)are made. 不要读太多!选跟这句话有关系的选项:比体积大小的选项 The information(作者观点) given, if accurate,most strongly supports which of the following? (A) Converting the branches into wood chips at the logging plade would requiretranspor ting a fully assembled wood B chipping machine to and from the place. (B) It would be more economical to debranch the trees at the factory wherethe fiberboard is manufactured. (C) The debranching of trees and the conversion of the branches into chipsare the only stages in the processing of branches that it would be in Berlum's economicadvantage to perform at the logging site. (D) Transportation costs from the logging site to the factorythat(costs因为后面是复数are) are determined by volume of cargo would be lower if the conversion intochips is done 砍成碎片的地方运过去成本低因为体积只有一半at the logging site rather thanat the factory. 符合原文体积一半的逻辑改写 其他项都没体积啊。Volume对象问题是很重要的 如果成本由体积决定的,那么.. (E) In the wood B processing industry, branches are used only for the productionof wood chips for fiberboard. Increases in the level of high-densitylipoprotein (HDL) in the human bloodstream lower bloodstream cholesterol levelsby increasing the body's capacity to rid itself of excess cholesterol. Levelsof HDL in the bloodstream of some individuals are significantly increased by a program of regular exerciseand weight reduction. 技巧:选有some的选项(这是结论成立范围是一些人,保留!)
Which of the following can be correctlyinferred from the statements above? 如果文章信息很多如何加快速度?BF 自己在思路里记下重点用清楚的逻辑链(750+CR去简化逻辑链的记忆,A的发生决定B的发生,简化对句子繁重的记忆只记A决定B 去概括记忆文章内容(A用1,2个单词,B用1,2个单词不要用太多单词)!∴HDL+ à cholesterol-;programàhdl+同时结合排除法) AIndividuals who are underweight do not runany risk of developing high levels of cholesterol in the bloodstream. (weight reduction≠underweight体重过轻) BIndividuals who do not exercise regularlyhave a high risk of developing high levels of cholesterol in the bloodstream late in lifeû.没说(要看完整选项!!) CExercise and weight reduction are the mosteffective methods of lowering bloodstream cholesterol levels in humans. D A program of regular exercise and weightreduction lowers cholesterol levels in the bloodstream of some individuals. EOnlyû regular exercise is necessary to decreasecholesterol levels in the bloodstream of individuals of average
When a polygraph testis judged inconclusive不知道对方说真话还是假话, this is no reflection on the examinee. Rather进一步从另一个角度, such(= inconclusive) a judgment means that the test has failed to show whether theexaminee was truthful or untruthful. Nevertheless, 后面是逻辑链(就算是专有也是对这个主要逻辑链的补充)employerswill sometimes refuse to hire 雇佣a job applicant受聘者 because of an inconclusive不确定 polygraph test往前看专有名词解释 result. 选项得对时间有some的修饰; Which of thefollowing conclusions can most properly be drawn from the information above? (A) Most examineeswith inconclusive polygraph test results are in fact untruthful. (B)Polygraph testsshould not be used by employers in the consideration of job applicants (C)An inconclusive polygraph test result is sometimes unfairly heldagainst the examinee. (CRSC选项之间有比较性的,选好的)相对优势选项 (D)A polygraph testindicating that an examinee is untruthful(û原文是不知道真话还是假话。和inconclusive不是一个对象的无关项) can sometimes be ûmistakenû. (E)Some employersûhave refusedtoû consider the results of polygraph tests when evaluating job applicants.