46. (33987-!-item-!-188;#058&007200) Archaeologists in Michigan haveexcavated a Native American camp near Dumaw Creek. Radiocarbon dating of animal bones found atthe site indicates that the camp dates from some time between 1605 and 1755. However, the camp probably dates to no laterthan 1630, since no European trade goods were found at the site, and Europeantraders were active in the region from the 1620's onward. Which of the following, if true,most strengthens the argument? (A) Due to trade among NativeAmericans, some European trade goods would have reached the area before theEuropean traders themselves did. (B) At all camps in the region thathave been reliably dated to the late 1620's, remains of European trade goodshave been found. (C) The first European trade goodsto reach the area would have been considered especially valuable and preservedas much as possible from loss or destruction. (D) The first European traders inthe area followed soon after the first European explorers. (E) The site is that of a temporarycamp that would have been used seasonally for a few years and then abandoned.
我的思路是这样的:C说欧洲货物都非常值钱且尽可能保存了,那么可以推出有goods的就是no later than 1630的,没有goods的就是1630以后的,这样就strengthen了原有argument。请问NN,我的思路错在哪里呢?谢谢!