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请构筑确认一下是不是这一篇关于product line的??拜托了!
十八、incongruity effect
第三篇 新产品与品牌的关系:有很多品牌会推出新产品,新产品与品牌之间有三种关系,强联系,弱联系和完全没有关联, 一般认为强联系最好,但是有人提出其实弱联系最好,因为顾客会花时间去想产品与品牌之间有什么联系,就会更想买这个新产品
是两段说consumer product congruent, paragraph number 1 explain what consumer product congruent means. For example, if a brand company such as(coke) company markets a new soda product, consumer will recognize the brand immediately and favor, compared to a restaurant company(McDonald) markets a sofa, consumers will favor the soda product from this coke company because they recognize the brand. Some companies such as Apple, which has a strong brand, markets a soda, consumer will also recognize the product due to the brand name associated with Apple..
Paragraph two, it is not necessarily true that consumers favor product congruent more. This researcher Miller explains that it is true that consumer will recognize and favor congruent products--such as soda from Coke company. However, consumers also favor moderate congruent products--such as a company, which consumers familiar, offers a product that is different than its main product line. There are two reasons (1) 忘记了(2) moderate congruent products allows the brain to process information and once they find out the value of this product, they feel satistifying (这里有题, 答案就是这个. And there is extreme incongruent, (for example, unknowned company markets unknown product). Consumers will not feel satisfying about this type of product when they find out the value of it. 最后几句忘记了 大约意思,
题目有 what is one thing that differentiate congruent and moderate congruent(答案是consumer will satisfying 那个)
题目(2) 问以下哪个符合 moderate congruent. A是unknown companies market products similar to its other product B, unknown companies market product different than its other product , C, a well known company market a new product similar to its other product. D, a well known company market a new product drastically different than its other product. (应该选这个)
最后一题目忘记了. (highlight question, very easy this one)
长阅读,一瓶半吧,第一段是marketers 认为 the degree of C 产品 play an important role in consumers,然后就是说消费者看到熟悉的brand就会favorable to buy it。 第一段最后有考点,是说其中一句话的作用是什么。
第二段讲有人反驳,认为 moderate incongrount(忘记怎么拼写了)products才吸引人买,并从神经学上说,congrount厉害是因为不用让人思考,而moderate inc会让消费者想一想之后进行购买,是有positive impact的,最后说extreme inc有nagtive impact因为consumers can't resolve the problem所以就不会进行购买(这边有考点)。
大家一般认为一个产品和其品牌越有congruity,那么消费者就会越喜欢它。比如同样是diet coke,饮料公司出的会比pretzel或者其它不相关的公司出的更受欢迎。(这里还给了个congruity的解释,有考到一题问这里给出解释是为什么。)
但是科学家M通过研究发现,比起单纯的congruity,moderate incongruity会更让产品受欢迎,因为这会让消费者稍微思考产品和品牌的关系,从而得出结论。虽然moderate incongruity对产品推广有帮助,但是extreme incongruity会让消费者讨厌这个产品。因为虽然消费者也会思考,但是思考会太长或者根本想不明白,于是就讨厌这个产品了。
第一篇考了寂静incongruity effect那个:很短,一共两段,
第二段出来一个researcher做实验,发现只有moderately incongruent可以,其他两个extremely incongruent和congruent的都不行,两个原因:1)大家的成功联想 2)忘了,然后证明另外两个为什么不好,congruent是因为联系一看就知,没成就感,而extremely incongruent是因为想太久都没想出来两个产品之间的联系,会对那个用了别人家的brand来market的产品产生negative feelings。题很简单。
jj里incongruity effect那篇,jj比较全面了。
大概就是说,普遍认为新产品和品牌老产品越相似越容易被消费者接受。但是一个叫George M什么 的人发现,其实相比于 congruent(和老产品一样) 和 extreme incongruent(完全不一样),和老产品略有点不同的产品(moderately incongruent)反而更让人想买。因为人们要费脑子弄清原来品牌和新产品的关系,这个过程是令人满意的(satisfactory,有题)。然而要是差别太大人们费脑子一样多,但是得不出结论,所以也不买。
这篇文章应该讲的是the moderate schema incongruity effect
One of the most commonly applied paradigms to study information incongruity has been developed by George Mandler (1982),who focuses on the cognitive elaboration and the affective outcomes produced by different levels of schema incongruity. The basic premise of his theory is that increases in the level of incongruity between a stimulus and an existing schema lead to heightened cognitive arousal, which consequently increases the extremity of evaluations.Whether an evaluation becomes relatively more or less favorable depends on how easily incongruities can be successfully resolved. In more detail, according to Mandler, congruent information is easily processed and predictable. It does not generate additional arousal and results to mild responses, equal to a basic sense of liking. In contrast, schema incongruent stimuli attract attention and increase people’s cognitive arousal as they attempt to resolve inconsistencies (Heckler and Childers 1992). When incongruity is moderate, the psychological reward produced by successfully resolving inconsistencies results in more favorable responses. However, when incongruity becomes severe people are most likely not willing to invest the significant amount of psychological resources necessary to accommodate the extremely inconsistent pieces of information. Reluctance or inability to spend time and effort on the processing of the incoming data and the revision of the existing knowledge obstruct people from interpreting information and finally reduces the favorability of evaluations. |