69. 讲有140 张cards 分给m个人,eachperson at least get 2 cards,求the 【numbers】of possible value of m. 不记得有没有限定m>2了选项A.five B. six C. eight D.ten E不记得其实就把140除2得70,再考察70可被几个数整除 思路:这个应该是在探讨140的因子:(2.,70)(4,35)(5,28)(10,14)(20,7)如果有m>2就应是9个,没有的话应是10个
If a = a1^b1*a2^b2*...*an^bn, whereas a1, a2, ... an are different prime numbers and b1, b2, . . . bn are positive integers, then the number of factors for a = (b1+1)*(b2+1)*...*(bn+1).
If 12=2^2*3, then the number of factors for 12 = (2+1)*(1+1) = 6.