CR思维S 其实有however这种题目,转折后包换完整的PC,但下面还是分析一下逻辑链逻辑链分析 Early in the twentieth century, Lake Konfa became very polluted. Recently fish populations have recovered as release of industrial pollutants has declined and the lake’s waters have become cleaner. Fears are now being voiced that the planned construction of an oil pipeline across the lake’s bottom might revive pollution and cause the fish population to decline again. However, a technology for preventing leaks is being installed. Therefore, provided this technology is effective, the fears are groundless.
Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the argument?
20 世纪初期,K 湖被污染很严重。由于工业排放污染已经以及减少湖
少。但是,防泄漏的技术正在被安装。所以,当这个技术是有效的,担忧没有依据。提炼: 1:找到结论:“the fears are groundless”,问题来了,什么样的 fear 是没有依据的?从前文寻找,发现,fear 的具体内容是“the planned construction of an oil pipeline across the lake’s bottom might revive pollution and cause the fish population to decline again”。那么,整合理解之后,结论想表达的意思就是: 计划的穿过湖底的输油管道的建设可能让污染复苏并导致鱼群再次减少的担忧没有依据。进一步精炼,最后得到结论:计划建设的输油管不会导致污染复苏和鱼群减少。 2:找到结论后,思考一下,题干给出了什么事实证据来推导此结论? 题干给出了两点: 1) “a technology for preventing leaks is being installed”; 2) “provided this technology is effective”;
也就是说,: 1) 有防泄漏技术; 2) 技术是有效的。 整合信息,题干实际给出的证据是:正在安装有效的防泄漏技术。在这里还可以进一步优化 : 为何题干说有效的防泄漏技术 ? 既然 provided this technology is effective,提供了这个条件,其实就是在说,输油管不会泄露!
3:其他信息,还剩下的前两句话,其实对推论并没有用,只是一些 背景性信息。 逻辑链: P:输油管不会泄露 C:计划建设的输油管不会导致污染复苏和鱼群减少。 方向推理: 从题干信息咱们已经可以获知,污染就是导致鱼减少的原因。所以, 题干的推导其实就是不泄露-->没有污染,把这两个概念给等价了, 但题干的证据中并没有给出证据说明这一点,这道题的 flaw 就在于 这里的证据不充分性(GAP)。要削弱,可以:1、直接指出 GAP,不泄露 不代表不会污染,可能有其他的除了泄露以外的污染可能性;2、找到 确定的证据,泄漏以外还真的会有其他的由计划建设的输油管带来的 污染。 选项分析: A. The pipeline’s construction will disturb sediments at the bottom of the lake, dispersing into the water toxic pollutants that have settled there. 正确答案,管道的建设会扰动湖底沉淀物,导致沉积的毒素污染湖水。指出了计划建设的输油管会带来的其他污染(导致鱼减少)。 B. Changes in land use and drainage patterns around the lake mean that the lake’s waters are increasingly likely to be affected by agricultural runoff. 湖周围土地使用和水系的变化意味着湖水会有更高的可能被农业径流影响。不能削弱,无法说明输油管还会不会带来其他污染。 C. The leak-preventing technology has been in use for several years without any pipeline in which it is installed developing serious leaks.防泄漏技术已经被用了很多年没出现严重泄露的情况,无法削弱,题干已经说了”provided this technology is effective”给定技术是有效的,这句话其实重复了文章信息。 D. A major leak of oil from the pipeline would harm not only the lake’s fish but also populations of other aquatic animals and plants. 大的输油管泄露伤害的不仅是湖里的鱼也会对水生动植物数量有影响。无法削弱,这个选项只是在陈述一个事实,泄露的严重后果,但关键是,建造输油管到底有没有污染呢?咱们依旧不知道。 E. Since the beginning of the twentieth century, non-native species of fish have been introduced into the lake and now make up a considerable proportion of its overall fish population. 关于无关选项 The Earth has many properties in common with the Moon. For example, each of them belongs to the solar system,is nonluminous, and has rotation and revolution. However, although the Earth exists life, the Moon does not exist life. (A) The Moon’s environment being tough, there can be no biological existence.
(B) The Moon’s temperature is quite different from the Earth’s 看了 CD有感: 推理的本质! 从前提到结论的过程。即推理强调的是前提和结论的逻辑关系。不关注他们本身正确,而是关注前提推结论这种推理方式是否正确。 此题是通过类比地球和月来推出结论。削弱 我们不需要关注月球究竟是否有生物,而是能不能将地球作为月的类比对象来推出月的特点有生物 A无关项,仅月的特点说它有生物不正确,没有指出和地球的不同,无法削弱这种类比推理的关系。