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裤头真的慌 当地时间11.17 下午12.15 Q50 V40 坐标伦敦 先说下test centre 在high holborn 提醒一下要在伦敦考的小伙伴 别太早到 没有休息室....我就早去了将近一小时又不想早考(竟然可以早考也是醉了) 想看资料 但是里面的规定是不能看资料看手机的 最后我只能在室外靠着门口在寒风中看了会...旁边还有大楼在装修... 还有你有一次换frensh pad 的机会 toilet 必须用你的钥匙卡刷卡进 别忘拿护照! 我的snack 是香蕉 据说可以enhance performance?
先放一道最不确定的DS 印象最深 是这样说的
Jim's labour cost: he charges 38 dollars (注:in total )for a project that takes him <=2 hour to complete, and 19dollars/hour for a project that takes him more than 2 hours to complete. He took on 2 projects问他一共工作了几小时
1) the labour cost of one of his projects is 38
2) the labour cost of the two projects is 114
我选E..因为觉得问题主要在two hours or less 并不是一个确定的数这题反正纠结了好久
有2的次方的那题 是个分数 问你这个分数大概等于多少 那个jj上好像有的。。
还有就是有几个consecutive integers, 问你如何确定how many even integers
1)好像是there are 38 odd numbers
2)there are 68 integers in total
应该是B ? 我是举了几个栗子 4个数的话1234 2345 3456 都是2个偶数 如果是3个odd 123 234 不一样的
DS 有一个圆 它与y轴的intercept 是2和-2,问你这个线和circle 有无交点..
1)line passes through a point (-3/2,0)
我觉得1)应该不对 因为圆的centre 可能不在origin 画图看的我是
PS 那个2的指数次方的那个。。是个分数问你分数的大概值 ? 忘记具体的了。
DS x^2<y^2, x>y?
2) 失忆。。sorry
有一个说specialised cities这种模式会risky 然后提出了很多alternative solutions, 但是每个solutions 都有一些drawbacks. 比如说 government insurance..
最后一段有题说是有个alternative 是balahbalah(不重要), widely used in European cities.
我选的是invest all of your money into one single asset (鸡蛋不能放在一个篮子里)
我选了那个hindering identities.... more common in Europe 好像是这个意思
关键词 anthropology opinion
P1一个Richard的学者研究Dine 这类人群..说她took on a role of daughters in respect to two Dine parents.
P3她的研究不同于她的counterparts, who impose western opinions on Dine's lifestyle..(此处有题).
我选的是other scholars denigrated her research
说研究者研究mantle 的组成成分 机经回忆的文章挺全的
问题问 what evidence for Post P 这种物质?
我选的是heat the magnesium 那个选项
再就是information sharing 就是说要enhance IS,jj 挺全的! 有提到compensation system
问题问: what is the author most concerned about ? 我有个选项是enhance information sharing among employees 一个是structure compensation system 我好像选了前者??有点不记得了
还有个问题忘记了就记得我选了combine team incentives and individual incentives ..
CR: 选项仅供参考.....
about undiscovered species. If they were great in numbers and spread widely in the planet, we would have discovered them by now. And what makes a species easily to become distinct is 1, low in numbers , 2, narrow in habitats. 言下之意是undiscovered 很容易灭绝
from the info above, we can infer that ____
我选的是undiscovered species are highly likely to face distinction 的那个
about timber export. Government tries to decrease the export of timber. And at the same time 启动了一个former loggers retraining programme. some ppl think the policy of decreasing export will render the programme ineffective. 问weaken
我选的the programme is helping loggers to get skills to do other jobs大概这个意思
about the tuition fees in a particular area. The government has subsidised the tuition fees for students who are qualified as province residents..but in the past two years, the tuition fees have doubled. Then the subsidy programme must have cause the fees to rise because the unis now charge the amount that is affordable to local students plus the amount that can be subsidised by gov. Which one should be evaluated ?
About gas prices and miles driven. The cheaper Gas/mile is, the more miles that people drive. Gov is trying to lower the gas prices by increase fuel efficiency, so the miles driven will increase, thus 这个举措其实效果不明显. which should be evaluated?
我选的是reduce the gas price on per mile driven 那个选项
about practice in sports. Amateurs amass a huge amount of time practicing , without advancing to a higher level. While a trained player can take over him in a short time . Which is supported ?
我选的是那个we cannot know one's level of sports just by looking at his experience doing it ..的那个
By the 1960, as many people lived in suburbs as in cities 还是as those in cities ? 看下comparison
Unified in opposition to drilling in ......., the authors are less vocal in their opposition to drilling in Atlantic ocean.
Scientists discovered that the constituents of the galaxy, of which the comets are relatively unspoiled , were a richer mixture of .... and ....
Sb found 100 women for a research, 选项有 each of whom had been last treated for her illness between 2 months and 2 years before the study who had been last treated for her illness between ...prior to the study
IR :
真的不难。。但是我因为想去toilet 憋的不行所以有点差强人意。。
the error counts, 给了一个graph, what can you imply ? 不难好好看题
还有project A , B , C, D 的annual total cost 一个table..残狗
还考了venn diagram, 不过不难
pita sandwich restaurant 那个,机经回忆的很全了。 重点是他开在college town
Good luck!