A1 : The following editorial appeared in the South Fork Gazatte.
“Last year, the city contracted with Flower Power to plant a variety of flowers in big decorative pots on Main Street and to water them each week. By midsummer many of the plants were wilted. This year the city should either contract for two waterings a week or save money by planting artificial flowers in the pots. According to Flower Power, the initial cost for artificial flowers would be twice as much as for real plants, but after two years, we would save money. Public reaction certainly supports this position: in a recent survey, over 1200 Gazette readers said that the city wastes money and should find ways to reduce spending.”
92. “Government should establish regulations to reduce or eliminate any suspected health hazards in the environment, even when the scientific studies of these health hazards are in complete or contradictory.”
1. [DS] 某人存钱5000,第一年利息 X percent, 第二年利息 Y percent,问两年后有多少钱?
(1)x + y = 600
(2)(1 + x/100) (1 + y/100) = 6
Key : B
2. [PS] x/y = 96.12, 余数是9。 问y = ?
3. [PS]一个球放入一个正方体,六面都接触到。球的直径是 6。 问正方体上两点最大距离。
4. [PS]两台机器 A,B, 共同工作要 X 时间完成一个任务。A 单独要 (5/3)X 时间。B 单独要多久?
5. [PS]一个以原点为圆心,半径为1 的圆 和 直线 x = y 交于哪点?答案中选 x, y 均为 二分之根号二的那个。
6. [PS] 问 (3^1/2 + 2^1/2)/ (3^1/2 - 2^1/2) 落在那个区间。选 9, 12 之间那个。
7. [PS] 见下图,一个直角三角形,一个直角边是 5, 斜边是 10。问 a = ? b
答案是 a = 4b
8. [PS]一组 12 人,取七人组和取六人组之比。
9. [PS] n 件货,每件$40, 外加总价 5% 的费用 和 一个 $5 的 handling fee. 问要控制每件的成本在 $42.50 以下,n 至少要多少? 答案是 11。
10. [PS] 一个班有 t 个学生,选经济的有 m 个,选化学的有 n 个,还有 k 这两门都没选。 问两门都选的有几个。 T, m, n ,k 都给出。
记得还有挺多其它这个月的 JJ 题。
差强人意,就不误导大家啦。 [attachimg]40878[/attachimg]
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-8-23 17:43:56编辑过] |