我今天看到e-rater之后在网上搜到一篇PDF论文,是E-rater的发明者写的,总共31页全部是英文,因为自己要准备8T,无法仔细拜读了,我把文件上传论坛,希望版主和高人们看看是不是有参考价值,能不能为大家以后攻克IBT、GRE、GMAT的作文有帮助。请高人们不吝板儿砖。 下载:Automated Essay Scoring With e-rater V.2 The Journal of Technology, Learning, and Assessment Volume 4, Number 3 February 2006 Automated Essay Scoring With e-rater V.2 Yigal Attali & Jill Burstein Educational Testing Service 文章结构: - Title page
- Abstract
- Introduction
- The Feature Set
- E-rater Model Building and Scoring
- Analyses of the Performance of e-rater V.2
- Summary and Future Directions
- Endnotes
- References
- Author Biographies
- Editorial Board
作者简介: Yigal Attali
Yigal Attali is a Research Scientist at Educational Testing Service in Princeton, NJ. Yigal is interested in exploring cognitive aspects of assessment and in the implementation of technology in assessment. His current research includes development and evaluation of automated essay scoring (he is a primary inventor of e-rater. V.2) and assessment of feedback mechanisms in constructed response tasks. He received his B.A. in computer sciences and his Ph.D. in psychology from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Jill Burstein
Yigal Attali is a principal development scientist in the Research & Development Division at Educational Testing Service in Princeton, NJ. Her area of specialization is computational linguistics. She led the team that first developed e-rater., and she is a primary inventor of this automated essay scoring system. Her other inventions include several capabilities in CriterionSM, including an essay-based discourse analysis system, a style feedback capability, and a sentence fragment finder. Currently, her research involves the development of English language learning capabilities that incorporate machine translation technology. Her research interests are natural language processing (automated essay scoring and evaluation, discourse analysis, text classification, information extraction, and machine translation); English language learning, and the teaching of writing. Previously, she was a consultant at AT&T Bell Laboratories in the Linguistics Research Department, where she assisted with natural language research in the areas of computational linguistics, speech synthesis, and speech recognition. She received her B.A. in Linguistics and Spanish from New York University, and her M.A. and Ph.D. in linguistics from the City University of New York, Graduate Center. 下载:Automated Essay Scoring With e-rater V.2