这次没考好 640, 所以直接取消成绩准备重考。考试前读的寂静有两篇都在,所以来回报下 CD
Cost-Disease (这只狗比较残,希望能供考古使用。) 第一段讲的是有位学者(George Mason 还是 Baumol's ? 我是事后网上查的)他提出了 一个问题 cost-disease 。然后解释这种病是什么东西,(我没太懂但猜是)学音乐的成本高了 然后没人学了。 他建议说政府因该subsidize.因为有什么inflation 第二段 是作者提出不同的观点。作者说Technology让音乐制作成本降低的例子:扩音器啊,还有用电子代替Drum一类的 第三段 讲的是 有些artist 特别贵 (我因为时间不够 没细读,希望其他大大 可以补狗)
考题: 1. 给你5个example 让你选一个 跟文章比较相似。我就记得两个选项( 不确定答案): a. 现在科技发达了 孩子可以在网上学习,但是老师还是需要的 b. 科技发达了,有很多资料在网上可以帮助Manager。但是好的CEO还是不可多得的 我感觉文章是从这里抽出来的https://www.gmu.edu/centers/publicchoice/faculty%20pages/Tyler/cost-disease.PDF 但是太长了,不好找到底是哪几段。。。 (捂脸 sorryI’m not helpful)
十六、Flanders 女性独立 (这个寂静里已经有了) 文章有两段 (红字确认原文), 第一段David Nicholas wrote about women needs male guardians in14 century, but his one note refers the reader not to legal texts,but instead to W. van Iterson's Vrouwenvoogdij ("Guardianship overWomen"). Despite its title, however, Iterson's work does not confirmNicholas's claims. For one thing, the focus of Iterson's work is the northern,not the southern Low Countries. Secondly, a majority of the evidence Itersoncites comes from the fifteenth, not the fourteenth century. Thirdly, Iterson'sstated focus is not all women, but only unmarried ones. Finally, Iterson'sconclusions are actually contrary to those of Nicholas; he states unequivocally,in fact, that "there are no traces of a general fixed guardianship over anunmarried woman who has attained her majority."He maintains instead thatincidences of guardianship over single women in the northern Low Countries are,in fact, ad hoc(特别的) in nature. 第二段 (我印象中就是下面这一段了,不能100%确定) There are reasons for Nicholas's difficulty in finding adequatedocumentation for his claims. The conditions he outlines echo those associatedprimarily with Roman law,(13) but Roman law, as Philippe Godding had abundantlydemonstrated, had a negligible(微不足道的) impact onFlemish social custom before the fifteenth century.(14) Furthermore, no item orprovision(条款) in any keure (customary law of a community)directly addressed the issue of guardianship over women, and only one so muchas implied a belief in womanly weakness that might, by extension, be taken tohave necessitated guardianship.(15) Since guardianship over women, married ornot, finds no expression in law codes, it must instead be deduced from(从...得出结论) practice.
问题都是inference, 比方说 从文中我们能确定什么。我We know that woman in Flanders are not necessaryunder male Guardianship in the 14 century
十一、 Girl Scout(这个寂静里也有了) 我记得两道题都是围绕在 1930 年的 inference 题,不过挺简单的 1. 问题1930年宗旨改变成什么了?(答案就在最后一句1960 年把什么改回去了 就知道1930 年做了什么了)