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发表于 2015-9-27 12:07:36 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


Which of the following most logically completes the argument?
Ferber’s syndrome, a viral disease that frequently affects cattle, is transmitted to these animals through infected feed. Even though chickens commercially raised for meat are often fed the type of feed identified as the source of infection in cattle, Ferber’s syndrome is only rarely observed in chickens. This fact, however, does not indicate that most chickens are immune to the virus that causes Ferber’s syndrome, since .

(A)  chickens and cattle are not the only kinds of farm animal that are typically fed the type of feed liable to be contaminated with the virus that causes Ferber’s syndrome
(B)  Ferber’s syndrome has been found in animals that have not been fed the type of feed liable to be contaminated with the virus that can cause the disease
(C)  resistance to some infectious organisms such as the virus that causes Ferber’s syndrome can be acquired by exposure to a closely related infectious organism
(D)  chickens and cattle take more than a year to show symptoms of Ferber’s syndrome, and chickens commercially raised for meat, unlike cattle, are generally brought to market during the first year of life
(E)  the type of feed liable to be infected with the virus that causes Ferber’s syndrome generally constitutes a larger proportion of the diet of commercially raised chickens than of commercially raised cattle


A major network news organization experienced a drop in viewership in the week following the airing of a controversial report on the economy. The network also received a very large number of complaints regarding the report. The network, however, maintains that negative reactions to the report had nothing to do with its loss of viewers.

Which of the following, if true, most strongly supports the network’s position?
(A)  The other major network news organizations reported similar reductions in viewership during the same week.
(B)  The viewers who registered complaints with the network were regular viewers of the news organization’s programs.
(C)  Major network news organizations publicly attribute drops in viewership to their own reports only when they receive complaints about those reports.
(D)  This was not the first time that this network news organization has aired a controversial report on the economy that has inspired viewers to complain to the network.
(E)  Most network news viewers rely on network news broadcasts as their primary source of information regarding the economy.


The Maxilux car company’s design for its new luxury model, the Max 100, included a special design for the tires that was intended to complement the model’s image. The winning bid for supplying these tires was submitted by Rubco. Analysts concluded that the bid would only just cover Rubco’s costs on the tires, but Rubco executives claim that winning the bid will actually make a profit for the company.

Which of the following, if true, most strongly justifies the claim made by Rubco’s executives?
(A)  In any Maxilux model, the spare tire is exactly the same make and model as the tires that are mounted on the wheels.
(B) Rubco holds exclusive contracts  to supply Maxilux with the tires for a number of other models made by Maxilux.
(C)  The production facilities for the Max 100 and those for the tires to be supplied by Rubco are located very near each other.
(D) When people who have purchased a carefully designed luxury automobile need to replace a worn part of it, they almost invariably replace it with a part of exactly the same make and type.
(E)  When Maxilux awarded the tire contract to Rubco, the only criterion on which Rubco’s bid was clearly ahead of its competitors’ bids was price.


Most bicycle helmets provide good protection for the top and back of the head, but little or no protection for the temple regions on the sides of the head. A study of head injuries resulting from bicycle accidents showed that a large proportion were caused by blows to the temple area. Therefore, if bicycle helmets protected this area, the risk of serious head injury in bicycle accidents would be greatly reduced, especially since        .

(A)  among the bicyclists included in the study’s sample of head injuries, only a very small proportion had been wearing a helmet at the time of their accident
(B)  even those bicyclists who regularly wear helmets have a poor understanding of the degree and kind of protection that helmets afford
(C)  a helmet that included protection for the temples would have to be somewhat larger and heavier than current helmets
(D)  the bone in the temple area is relatively thin and impacts in that area are thus very likely to cause brain injury
(E)  bicyclists generally land on their arm or shoulder when they fall to the side, which reduces the likelihood of severe impacts on the side of the head





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发表于 2015-9-27 12:52:00 | 只看该作者
Which of the following most logically completes the argument?
Ferber’s syndrome, a viral disease that frequently affects cattle, is transmitted to these animals through infected feed. Even though chickens commercially raised for meat are often fed the type of feed identified as the source of infection in cattle, Ferber’s syndrome is only rarely observed in chickens. This fact, however, does not indicate that most chickens are immune to the virus that causes Ferber’s syndrome, since .

(A)  chickens and cattle are not the only kinds of farm animal that are typically fed the type of feed liable to be contaminated with the virus that causes Ferber’s syndrome
(B)  Ferber’s syndrome has been found in animals that have not been fed the type of feed liable to be contaminated with the virus that can cause the disease
(C)  resistance to some infectious organisms such as the virus that causes Ferber’s syndrome can be acquired by exposure to a closely related infectious organism
(D)  chickens and cattle take more than a year to show symptoms of Ferber’s syndrome, and chickens commercially raised for meat, unlike cattle, are generally brought to market during the first year of life
(E)  the type of feed liable to be infected with the virus that causes Ferber’s syndrome generally constitutes a larger proportion of the diet of commercially raised chickens than of commercially raised cattle



A major network news organization experienced a drop in viewership in the week following the airing of a controversial report on the economy. The network also received a very large number of complaints regarding the report. The network, however, maintains that negative reactions to the report had nothing to do with its loss of viewers.

Which of the following, if true, most strongly supports the network’s position?
(A)  The other major network news organizations reported similar reductions in viewership during the same week.
(B)  The viewers who registered complaints with the network were regular viewers of the news organization’s programs.
(C)  Major network news organizations publicly attribute drops in viewership to their own reports only when they receive complaints about those reports.
(D)  This was not the first time that this network news organization has aired a controversial report on the economy that has inspired viewers to complain to the network.
(E)  Most network news viewers rely on network news broadcasts as their primary source of information regarding the economy.

前提(果):A major network news organization experienced a drop in viewership in the week
结论(因):the airing of a controversial report on the economy

如果可以证明(多数情况都是举一个反例):果且非因 则可以证明要么“因”根本不是“因”,即使是“因”也不是唯一“因”
果:The other major network news organizations reported similar reductions in viewership during the same week.
非因:从题干可知“the airing of a controversial report on the economy”显然是“A major network”的个体行为(重点单词就是controversial,如果每个network都持该观点就没有controversial了

 楼主| 发表于 2015-9-27 15:39:29 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2015-9-27 15:41:17 | 只看该作者
Which of the following most logically completes the argument?

The growing popularity of computer-based activities was widely predicted to result in a corresponding decline in television viewing. Recent studies have found that, in the United States, people who own computers watch, on average, significantly less television than people who do not own computers. In itself, however, this finding does very little to show that computer use tends to reduce television viewing time, since_______.

(A) many people who watch little or no television do not own a computer.
(B)  even though most computer owners in the United States watch significantly less television than the national average, some computer owners watch far more television than the national average.
(C)  computer owners in the United States predominately belong to a demographic group that have long been known to spend less time watching television than the population as a whole does.
(D) many computer owners in the United States have enough leisure time that spending significant amounts of time on the computer still leaves ample time for watching television.
(E) many people use their computers primarily for tasks such as correspondence that can be done more rapidly on the computer, and doing so leaves more leisure time for watching television.

 楼主| 发表于 2015-9-27 15:42:32 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2015-9-27 15:48:54 | 只看该作者

Between 1980 and 2000 the sea otter population of the Aleutian Islands declined precipitously. There were no signs of disease or malnutrition, so there was probably an increase in the number of otters being eaten by predators. Orcas will eat otters when seals, their normal prey, are unavailable, and the Aleutian Islands seal population declined dramatically in the 1980s. Therefore, orcas were most likely the immediate cause of the otter population decline.

Which of the following, if true, most strengthens the argument?

(A) The population of sea urchins, the main food of sea otters, has increased since the sea otter population declined.
(B) Seals do not eat sea otters, nor do they compete with sea otters for food.
(C) Most of the surviving sea otters live in a bay that is inaccessible to orcas.
(D) The population of orcas in the Aleutian Islands has declined since the 1980s.      
(E) An increase in commercial fishing near the Aleutian Islands in the 1980s caused a slight decline in the population of the fish that seals use for food.   

发表于 2015-9-27 16:10:48 | 只看该作者
zhaokai09 发表于 2015-9-27 15:41
Which of the following most logically completes the argument?

The growing popularity of computer-ba ...



发表于 2015-9-27 16:29:52 | 只看该作者
zhaokai09 发表于 2015-9-27 15:48



1. 加强“唯一性”,比如非因非果或者果且非因
2. Supportor类Assumption“补桥”
3. Defender类Assumption排除其他可能的削弱:非因果倒置,非他因,数据有效,样本有效等等。


前提(果):the otter population decline

逆否命题是 非因--->非果
非因:No orcas
非果:the otter population NOT decline

“Most of the surviving sea otters”对应“the otter population NOT decline”;
“No orcas”对应“ inaccessible to orcas”


一般事实类果因推理削弱的话CQ还多一些,加强的话CQ很少,因为不是人为设计的实验,很多实验类可能的“实验设计缺陷”都没有,导致 Defender类Assumption基本都不可以用。基本就只能往非因非果的事实类反例去找(DDT导致鸟数量减少那题跟这题就是“换壳”题,连正确选项都是一样的,只不过这个是空间上不同的反例,那个是时间上不同的反例)。
 楼主| 发表于 2015-9-27 16:59:54 | 只看该作者
alzn2765 发表于 2015-9-27 16:29


 楼主| 发表于 2015-9-27 17:07:22 | 只看该作者
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