#164 Useful protein drugs, such as insulin , must still be administered by the cumbersome procedure of injection under the skin. If proteins are taken orally, they are digested and can not reach their target cells. Certain nonprotein drugs , however, contain chemical bonds that are not broken down by the digestive system . They can , then, be taken orally.
The statement s above most strongly support a claim that a research procedure that sucessfully accomplishes which of the following would be beneficial to users of protein drugs? (A) Coating inslin with compounds that are broken down by target cells, whose chemical bonds are resistant to digestion. (B) Converting into protein compounds, by procedures that work in lab.. the nonprotein drugs that resist digestion. (C) Removing permianently from the digestive system any substances that digest proteins. (D) Determining , in a systematic way, what enzymes and bacteria are present in the normal digestive system and whether they tend to be broken down within the body. (E) Determining the amount of time each nonprotein drug takes to reach its target cells.
另外,对于这种较长问题的该如何读?我发现如果先读了,再看题,往往记不住问题,还要再看一遍,怎样解决呢?能否看到support就行了? |