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请各位指点费费TEST 5中78,79两题

发表于 2003-12-6 05:39:00 | 只看该作者

请各位指点费费TEST 5中78,79两题


Questions 78-79
Despite improvements in treatment for asthma, the death rate from this disease has doubled during the past decade from its previous rate. Two possible explanations for this increase have been offered. First, the recording of deaths due to asthma has become more widespread and accurate in the past decade than it had been previously. Second, there has been an increase in urban pollution. However, since the rate of deaths due to asthma has increased dramatically even in cities with long-standing, comprehensive medical records and with little or no urban pollution, one must instead conclude that the cause of increased deaths is the use
bronchial inhalers by asthma sufferers to relieve their symptoms.

78. Each of the following, if true, provides support to the argument EXCEPT:
(A) Urban populations have doubled in the past decade.
(B) Records of asthma deaths are as accurate for the past twenty years as for the past ten years.
(C) Evidence suggests that inhalers make the lungs more sensitive to irritation by airborne pollen.
(D) By temporarily relieving the symptoms of asthma, inhalers encourage sufferers to avoid more beneficial measures.
(E) Ten years ago bronchial inhalers were not available as an asthma treatment.
答案是选A,可是我选有E什么不对呢?10年前你说的那个东西就根本没有,当然不是bronchial inhalers 引起的了。

79. Which one of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?
(A) Urban pollution has not doubled in the past decade.
(B) Doctors and patients generally ignore the role of allergies in asthma.
(C) Bronchial inhalers are unsafe, even when used according to the recommended instructions.
(D) The use of bronchial inhalers aggravates other diseases that frequently occur among asthma sufferers and that often lead to fatal outcomes even when the asthma itself does not.
(E) Increased urban pollution, improved recording of asthma deaths, and the used of asthma deaths, and the use of bronchial inhalers are the only possible explanations of the increased death rate due to asthma.
答案是E,我选D为什么不对?他说是因为bronchial inhalers 导致的死亡增加,我就说说bronchial inhalers 有什么害处不行吗?虽然我也觉得E也对,他否定了记录和污染的原因而支持第三个原因,就证明在他的定义里面就只有那三个后选。
 楼主| 发表于 2003-12-9 16:16:00 | 只看该作者
发表于 2003-12-9 23:24:00 | 只看该作者
78。 10年前没有,现在有了,发病也增加了,不是正好有可能是它引起的吗?

79. 对D取非试试看。
 楼主| 发表于 2003-12-10 11:08:00 | 只看该作者

79, 对D取非就成了,使用bronchial inhalers 也不会加重其他的常发生的病。。。但不使其他的病恶化并不等于bronchial inhalers不会 造成的死亡率升高,我这样理解对吗?糊涂了:)
发表于 2003-12-10 15:01:00 | 只看该作者
79 I think you are right.
 楼主| 发表于 2003-12-10 15:45:00 | 只看该作者
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