OG 2015 CR 第79题
Consumer health advocate:Your candy company adds caffeine to your chocolate candy bars so that each one delivers a specified amount of caffeine. Since caffeine is highly addictive, this indicates that you intend to keep your customers addicted.Candy manufacturer:Our manufacturing process results in there being less caffeine in each chocolate candy bar than in the unprocessed cacao beans from which the chocolate is made.
The candy manufacturer's response is flawed as a refutation of the consumer health advocate's argument because it - Afails to address the issue of whether the level of caffeine in the candy bars sold by the manufacturer is enough to keep people addicted
- Bassumes without warrant that all unprocessed cacao beans contain a uniform amount of caffeine
- Cdoes not specify exactly how caffeine is lost in the manufacturing process
- Dtreats the consumer health advocate's argument as though it were about each candy bar rather than about the manufacturer's candy in general
- Emerely contradicts the consumer health advocate's conclusion without giving any reason to believe that the advocate's reasoning is unsound
正确答案: A 解释:巧克力工厂没有正面回答"添加咖啡因"这个质疑,而是一种分散注意力的行文。
我选B。我个人认为既然消费者一方的质疑是是否“添加咖啡因(ADD caffeine)”, 而生产方的回答是"巧克力里的咖啡因已经比原材料少了",也就是说生产方的回应是“没加咖啡因,我们反而减了许多”。这个回应在我看来是正面应对疑问的。而选B,我认为不同cacao含咖啡因不同,生产方很可能用巧克力里的咖啡因和含最高份量的cacao相比较得出的结论,导致用犯下整体代表个体的错误。