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发表于 2003-5-7 15:41:00 | 只看该作者


9. Advertisement: Clark brand-name parts are made for cars manufactured in this country. They satisfy al of our government automotive test-the toughest such tests in the world. With foreign-made parts, you never know which might be reliable and which are cheap look-alikes that are poorly constructed and liable to cost you hundreds of dollars in repairs. Therefore, be smart and insist on brand-name parts by Clark for your car.

The argument requires the assumption that

(A) Clark parts are available only in this country

(B) foreign-made parts are not suitable for cars manufactured in this country

(C) no foreign-made parts satisfy our government standards

(D) parts that satisfy our government standards are not as poorly constructed as cheap foreign-made parts

(E) if parts are made for cars manufactured in our country, they are not poorly constructed

8. Measurements of the extent of amino-acid decomposition in fragments of eggshell found at archaeological sites in such places as southern Africa can be used to obtain accurate dates for sites up to 200,000 years old. Because the decomposition is slower in cool climates, the technique can be used to obtain accurate dates for sites almost a million years old in cooler regions.

The information above provides the most support for which one of the following conclusions?

(A) The oldest archaeological sites are not in southern Africa, but rather in cooler regions of the world.

(B) The amino-acid decomposition that enables eggshells to be used in dating does not take place in other organic matter found at ancient archaeological sites.

(C) If the site being dated had been subject to large unsuspected climatic fluctuations during the time the eggshell has been at the site, application of the technique is less likely to yield accurate results.

(D) After 200,000 ears in a cool climate, less than one-fifth of the amino acids in a fragment of eggshell that would provide material for dating with the technique will have decomposed and will thus no longer be suitable for examination by the technique.

(E) Fragments of eggshell are more likely to be found at ancient archaeological sites in warm regions of the world than at such sites in cooler regions.


请问conclusion与一般的归纳题有什么区别吗?归纳题中如果出现原文没有的概念就排除,如C中出现了climatic fluction?是不是方法上有什么不同?

发表于 2003-5-7 21:27:00 | 只看该作者
1. 你没有把题目完全理解. 记住原文的内容要全面理解.
原文说顾客在选择foreign parts时,分不清质优和质差(poorly constructed), 而Clarks的parts都通过了政府检测, 所以要选就选Clark parts. 这里的gap是分清质优质差和通过政府检测. D是标准答案.

C是标准错误答案, 以后见到类似选项要警惕. C不能填补原文逻辑中的gap, C对此题是无关选项. 取非后:Not all ...有的通过,有的没通过, 原文的逻辑照样成立.

2. 这里的fluctuation并不是新概念, 它是原文中一个概念的非. 原文讲在不同的气候带中amino-acid的分解速度不同, 可以用于计算. 这里的隐含条件是气候带的温度比较恒定. fluctuation就是否定这个隐含条件.

这类题目也教常见, 所以在阅读是不要停留在表面上, 不要只是看字眼, 要理解题意.
 楼主| 发表于 2003-5-7 22:06:00 | 只看该作者
在阅读是不要停留在表面上, 不要只是看字眼, 要理解题意.

发表于 2003-5-7 23:40:00 | 只看该作者
呵呵. 多练习,提高阅读能力, 以后读MBA时课本加handout加WSJ都够你读的
发表于 2005-4-14 22:32:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用mindfree在2003-5-7 21:27:00的发言:
C是标准错误答案, 以后见到类似选项要警惕. C不能填补原文逻辑中的gap, C对此题是无关选项. 取非后:Not all ...有的通过,有的没通过, 原文的逻辑照样成立.

“取非后:Not all ...有的通过,有的没通过”,这样的话,就可以知道哪些是好产品,哪些坏产品了啊,不就削弱原文了吗?(假设取非则削弱)

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