Members of society have varying degrees of market strength in terms of information they bring to a transaction, as well as of purchasing power and creditworthiness, as defined by lenders. 蓝色of和红色of平行. as defined by lenders指的是购买力和信用这两个概念正如由金融机构(贷款人)定义的那样 从他们向一项交易提供信息(的多寡),以及,如金融机构所定义的那样,购买力和信用(的不同)来讲,社会成员所拥有的市场力量不尽相同 the credit or investment vehicles 是(the credit or investment) vehicles 还是(the credit) or( investment vehicles ),到底是什么意思。 指的是信用和投资工具,(the credit) or( investment vehicles ) The problem underlying this dysfunction is found in a rationing mechanism affecting both the available alternatives for investment and the amount of financial resources. 这种运作失常所带来的问题在于配额机制影响了现有的各种投资形式以及融资金额 this指上述情况 GG凑合着看看吧... |