GWD3-Q40: Two centuries ago, Tufe Peninsula became separated form themainland, isolating on the newly formed Tufe Island a population of Turfilsunflowers. This population’sdescendants grow to be, on average, 40 centimeters shorter than Turfilsunflowers found on the mainland. TufeIsland is significantly drier than Tufe Peninsula was. So the current average height of Tufe’s Turfilsunflowers is undoubtedly at least partially attributable to changes in Tufe’senvironmental conditions. Which of the following is an assumption on which theargument depends? A. Thereare no types of vegetation on Tufe Island that are known to benefit from dryconditions. B. Therewere about as many Turfil sunflowers on Tufe Peninsula two centuries ago asthere are on Tufe Island today. C. Themainland’s environment has not changed in ways that have resulted in Turfilsunflowers on the mainland growing to be 40 centimeters taller than they didtwo centuries ago. D. Thesoil on Tufe Island, unlike that on the mainland, lacks important nutrientsthat help Turfil sunflowers survive and grow tall in a dry environment. E. The40-centimeter height difference between the Turfil sunflowers on Tufe Islandand those on the mainland is the only difference between the two populations.