The price the government pays for standard weapons purchased from military contractors is determined by a pricing method called “historical costing.” Historical costing allows contractors to protect their profits by adding a percentage increase, based on the current rate of inflation, to the previous year’s contractual price. Which of the following statements, if true, is the best basis for a criticism of historical costing as an economically sound pricing method for military contracts? (A) The government might continue to pay for past inefficient use of funds. (B) The rate of inflation has varied considerably over the past twenty years. (C) The contractual price will be greatly affected by the cost of materials used for the products. (D) Many taxpayers question the amount of money the government spends on military contracts. (E) The pricing method based on historical costing might not encourage the development of innovative weapons.
A researcher discovered that people who have low levels of immune-system activity tend to score much lower on tests of mental health than do people with normal or high immune-system activity. The researcher concluded from this experiment that the immune system protects against mental illness as well as against physical disease. The researcher’s conclusion depends on which of the following assumptions? (A) High immune-system activity protects against mental illness better than normal immunesystem activity does. (B) Mental illness is similar to physical disease in its effects on body systems. (C) People with high immune-system activity cannot develop mental illness. (D) Mental illness does not cause people’s immunesystem activity to decrease. (E) Psychological treatment of mental illness is not as effective as is medical treatment.
Which of the following best completes the passage below? At a recent conference on environmental threats to the North Sea, most participating countries favored uniform controls on the quality of effluents, whether or not specific environmental damage could be attributed to a particular source of effluent. What must, of course, be shown, in order to avoid excessively restrictive controls, is that_____ . (A) any uniform controls that are adopted are likely to be implemented without delay (B) any substance to be made subject to controls can actually cause environmental damage (C) the countries favoring uniform controls are those generating the largest quantities of effluents (D) all of any given pollutant that is to be controlled actually reaches the North Sea at present (E) environmental damage already inflicted on the North Sea is reversible
Since the deregulation of airlines, delays at the nation’s increasingly busy airports have increased by 25 percent. To combat this problem, more of the takeoff and landing slots at the busiest airports must be allocated to commercial airlines. Which of the following, if true, casts the most doubt on the effectiveness of the solution proposed above? (A) The major causes of delays at the nation’s busiest airports are bad weather and overtaxed air traffic control equipment. (B) Since airline deregulation began, the number of airplanes in operation has increased by 25 percent. (C) Over 60 percent of the takeoff and landing slots at the nation’s busiest airports are reserved for commercial airlines. (D) After a small Midwestern airport doubled its allocation of takeoff and landing slots, the number of delays that were reported decreased by 50 percent. (E) Since deregulation the average length of delay at the nation’s busiest airports has doubled.
A company plans to develop a prototype weeding machine that uses cutting blades with optical sensors and microprocessors that distinguish weeds from crop plants by differences in shade of color. The inventor of the machine claims that it will reduce labor costs by virtually eliminating the need for manual weeding. Which of the following is a consideration in favor of the company’s implementing its plan to develop the prototype? (A) There is a considerable degree of variation in shade of color between weeds of different species. (B) The shade of color of some plants tends to change appreciably over the course of their growing season. (C) When crops are weeded manually, overall size and leaf shape are taken into account in distinguishing crop plants from weeds. (D) Selection and genetic manipulation allow plants of virtually any species to be economically bred to have a distinctive shade of color without altering their other characteristics. (E) Farm laborers who are responsible for the manual weeding of crops carry out other agricultural duties at times in the growing season when extensive weeding is not necessary. |