CXD Page37, Q28: Ave A Ave B Ave C | | | 4th Street ---------+--------------+--------------Y | | | 3rd Street ---------+--------------+--------------+ | | | 2nd Street --------+--------------+--------------+ | | | 1rt Street -------- X -------------+-------------+ | | | Pat will walk from intersection X to intersection Y along a route that is confined to the square grid of four streets and three avenues shown in the map above. How many routes from X to Y can Pat take that have the minimum possible length? (A) Six (B) Eight (C) Ten (D) Fourteen (E) Sixteen 看了CXD的题解,还是不明白 2, 3, 4, B, C 排列是如何得来的,请各位NN指点! 先谢了!
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-1-19 14:40:45编辑过] |