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发表于 2013-8-17 23:11:37 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Which of the following, if true, most logically completes the passage?
A recent poll found that over 80 percent of the residents of Nalmed Province favored a massive expansion of the commuter rail system as a means of significantly easing congestion on the province’s highways and were willing to help pay for the expansion through an increase in their taxes. Nevertheless, the poll results indicate that expansion of the rail system, if successfully completed, would be unlikely to achieve its goal of easing congestion, because (       ).

A   most of people in favor of expanding the rail system reported less congestion during their highway commute as the primary benefit they would experience.
B   of the less than 20 percent of residents not counted as favoring the expansion, about half claimed to have no opinion one way or the other.
C   the twice-daily periods of peak congestion caused by people commuting in cars have grown from about an hour each to almost two and a half hours each in the past 20 years.
D   expanding the commuter rail system will require the construction of dozens of miles of new railroads.
E   the proposed expansion to the commuter rail system will make it possible for some people who both live and work at suburban locations to commute by rail.

正确答案: A

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发表于 2013-8-18 09:56:31 | 只看该作者
感觉A的翻译比较晦涩的话不太容易理解,你注意它说的是THEIR highway commute,就是说,这些支持修rail system的人是会从highway不堵车得到好处的人,这些人当然会支持修个railway好分流什么的,但是railway修好了呢,这些人还是会走highway,你可能会问,那只能说明这些人继续走highway可是还有很多其他没有表态的走highway的人的情况不清楚,说不定他们去railway了,但是题目只是说,unlikely,你就提出一种可能性就行了么,我是这么理解的,错误请指正。
发表于 2013-8-18 10:22:44 | 只看该作者
A确实要认真读呀...they would experience,就说明这些支持扩展railway的人就是想着道路less congested方便他们自己,所以他们还是会用highway,不见得就能Less congested.
(我开始自动把residents想成rail commuters了)
发表于 2013-9-6 20:23:23 | 只看该作者
Hi there,

This is actually a WEAKEN question.
Poll result indicates that 80% of residents have the intention to favor the proposal of expanding rail way system for the purpose of easing congestion on high way.

We are asked to give one reason to weaken the plan.
So if 80% of the residents support the built-up of rail way system but they themselves will still ride on high way, the congestion on high way won't be relieved.

You can parallel similar logic in this scenario: In one class, 8 out 10 students,all of whom have got a 720+ score on GMAT,  want to matriculate at Harvard. Concerned about the fierce competition of application, those students in class circulate the rumor that HBS's teaching quality is terrible. So, consequently, will the competition in applying Harvard eased anyhow? Definitely not! The application will still remain super competitive, because none of them ever quit applying HBS after hearing the rumor.
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