V2 (770分V46)有种农药还不知化肥对corn很有益,但对soyer bean 有害,哪怕很微量也有害,尽管corn 和 soyer 不可能同时种在一块地里,但是大多数农民都不用这种农药还不知化肥,
V3说有一种除草剂(or农药)对Corns没有影响,但对soybeans会有不好的影响,然后某人(忘了是政府还是农民)就说,因为他们是采轮耕,(我想应该是指轮流种Corns和Soybeans吧...),所以他们只在全部种Corns的时候用这种农药,这么一来,就不会影响到Soybeans。问weaken。我选"这种农药会残留在这块土里一年多",如果我的理解没有错的话,虽然农民只在全部种Corns时使用农药,但农药会残留在土里,因此当轮流种到Soybeans时,Soybeans仍会受到影响。That's why I choose this. 大家考到时,可以再看看其他选项。
GWD近似题:GWD TN-21-14
It is crucially important to farmers that the herbicides they use to control weeds not damage their crops. One very effective herbicide is safe for corn, but soybeans are damaged even by the herbicide’s residue, which remains in the soil more than a year after the herbicide is applied. Soybeans and corn are not sown together in the same filed; nevertheless, most farmers are reluctant to use the herbicide on their corn.
Which of the following, if true, provides the strongest justification for the farmers’ reluctance?
A. The residue of the herbicide in the soil a year after application is not enough to control most weeds effectively.
B. To maintain the nutrients in the soil, corn and soybeans are often planted in a field in alternate years.
C. The demand for soybeans is growing faster than is the demand for corn.
D. For maximum yield, soybean plants are grown closer together to each other than are corn plants.
E. The application of herbicides is less critical for soybean than for corn crops.