109.Which ofthe following most logically completes the argument?
Autrnia was formerly a majorpetroleum exporter, but in recent years economicdepression and restrictive regulations inhibited investment in new oil fields. As a consequence,Autrniaoil exports dropped steadily as old fields becamedepleted. Autrnia's currentlyimproving economic situation, togetherwith less-‐restrictive regulations, will undoubtedly resultin the rapid development of newfields. However, it canbe concluded that therapid development of newfields willresult in higher oil exports, since.
(A) the price of oil is expected to remain relatively stableover the next several years
(B) the improvement in theeconomic situation in Autrniais expected to result in a dramatic increase in the propor9on of Autrnians who own automobiles
(C) mostof the investment in new oil fieldsin Autrniais expectedto come from foreign sources
(D) new technologyis available to recover oil from old oil fieldsformerly regarded asdepleted
(E) many of thenew oil fields in Autrnia arelikelyto be as produc9veas thosethat were developed duringthe periodwhenAutrniawas a major oil exporter