87.IntheUnitedStates,ofthepeoplewhomovedfromonestatetoanotherwhentheyretired,thepercentage whoretiredtoFloridahasdecreasedbythreepercentagepointsoverthepasttenyears.Sincemanylocal businessesinFloridacatertoretirees,thesedeclinesarelikelytohaveanoticeablynegativeeconomiceffect onthesebusinessesandthereforeontheeconomyofFlorida.
(A)Peoplewhomovedfromonestatetoanotherwhentheyretiredmovedagreaterdistance,onaverage, lastyearthansuchpeopledidtenyearsago.
(B)PeopleweremorelikelytoretiretoNorthCarolinafromanotherstatelastyearthanpeoplewere tenyearsago.
(C)Thenumberofpeoplewhomovedfromonestatetoanotherwhentheyretiredhasincreasedsignificantly overthepasttenyears.
(D)ThenumberofpeoplewholeftFloridawhentheyretiredtoliveinanotherstatewasgreaterlastyearthan itwastenyearsago.
(E)Floridaattractsmorepeoplewhomovefromonestatetoanotherwhentheyretirethandoesanyother state.
Argument Evaluation Situation Of those people who move to another state when they retire, the percentage moving to Florida has declined. This trend is apt to harm Florida's economy because many businesses there cater to retirees. Reasoning Which of the options most weakens the argument?'The argument draws its conclusion from data about the proportion of emigrating retirees moving to Florida. Yet what matters more directly to the conclusion (and to Florida's economy) is the absolute number of retirees immigrating to Florida. That number could have remained constant or even risen if the absolute numbers of emigrating retirees itself increased while the proportion going to Florida decreased.
A This has no obvious bearing on the argument one way or another. It makes it more likely, perhaps, that a person in a distant state will retire to Florida, but less likely that one in a neighboring state will do so. B This has no bearing whether fewer people have been retiring to Florida over the last ten years. C Correct. This is the option that most seriously weakens the argument. D This makes it more likely that Florida's economy will be harmed because of decreasing numbers of retirees, but has no real bearing on the argument which concludes specifically that declines in the proportion of emigrating retirees moving to Florida will have a negative effect on the state's economy. E This is irrelevant. At issue is how the numbers of retirees in Florida from one year compare to the next, not how those numbers compare with numbers of retirees in other states. The correct answer is C. 为什么B选项就不对呢? OG的解释我也没看明白, 请大家帮忙看看,给予解惑~ 谢谢啦先! ^_^ |