16. 风暴之眼√ 谢谢波板米糖MM提供的整理稿,O(∩_∩)O雪菲这两天会加上题目整合,请快考试的同学参考此篇整理稿,MM整理的很细心哦~ P1:过去对hurricane风速的研究使用的方法只能测量flight level的风速,然后科学家开始用dropwindsondes,从飞机上GPS的小球可以测量出相对ground level的风速,然后说整个风暴max是发生在多少多少,然后storm eye的风力最大(这里涉及到两部分风速的测量,near the eye&out of the eye)本月给的是测量eyesurface(台风眼的外圈风力)和outer reach surface(台风最外圈的风力),对于eye surface(near the eye)max通常发生在一个某某高度,而对于out reacher(out of the eye)则发生在更高处,给了一个例子说,near the eye30层高处比地面处风速快20miles/h.然后说相对于flight level 高空风速,eye surface地面时高空的90%,out reacher地面时高空的78%,也就是说一个当做最大的话,另外两个点都小一点 P2:紧接这上段末尾的这个规律,讲了一个例外, 说有一次,以前一直是一位上层比ground level厉害,结果某某台风,测量的结果是flight高度风力才150,另外两个风力比它还高/结果这个飓风是ground level比上层厉害,这就说明了,科学家之前认为的规律是有例外的,而且需要根据实际情况修正。然后分析这种例外,可能是由于什么导致的: 一是:跟convection猜测是对流有关 二是:和sea surface的热气流有关,最有一句话作者说要是不是的转换方法态度来测飓风什么的/用一些原始工具如气压表,温度计帮助调整参数是很必要的。 背景知识
Since1997, forecasters have used Global Positioning System dropwindsondes, ameasuring device dropped from hurricane reconnaissance aircraft into theeyewall—the windiest part of the hurricane. The sonde system measurestemperature, barometric pressure, water vapor, and wind data every 15 feet onits way down. This new method gave meteorologists an important glimpse into thetrue strength of these devastating storms. The analyses of the dropwindsondedata indicated that, on average, the maximum sustained surface-wind speed wasabout 90 percent of the wind speed measured at the 10,000-foot aircraft levelflown as Andrew approached south Florida. In 1992 Andrew's wind speed wasestimated at 75 to 80 percent of the aircraft observations. The researchfindings resulted in an increase in the estimated wind speeds of HurricaneAndrew from 145 mph to 165 mph. Read more: Hurricanes - average, low, world,high, days, Hurricane and tropical storm season, Portrait of a hurricane,Hurricane casualties, The nations worst weather
http://www.wvdhsem.gov/WV_Disaster_Library/Library/Hurricanes/Wind%20Profiles% |