Plantings of cotton bioenginineered to produce its own insecticide against bollworms,a major cause of crop failure,sustained little bollworm damage until this year.This year the plantings are being seriously damaged by bollworms.Bollworms,however,are not necessarily developing resistance to the cotton's insecticede.Bollworms breed on corn,and last year more corn than usual was planted throughout cotton-frowing regions.So it is likely that the cotton is simply being overwhelmed by corn-bred bollworms In evaluating the argument,which of the followin gwould it be most useful to establish? (A)Whether corn could be bioengineered to produce the insecticide (B)Whether plantings of cotton that does not produce the insecticide are suffering unusually extensive damage from bollworms this year (C)Whether orher crops that have been bioengineered to produce their own insecticide successfully resist the pests against which the insecticide was to protect them (D)Whether plantings fo bioengineered cotton are frequently damaged by insect pests orher than bollworms (E)Whether there are insecticides that can be used against bollworms that have developed resistance to the insecticede produced by the bioengineered cotton
Plantings of cotton bioengineered to produce its own insecticide against bollworms, a major cause of crop failure, sustained little bollworm damage until this year. This year the plantings are being seriously damaged by bollworms (Background facts). Bollworms, however, are not necessarily developing resistance to the cotton’s insecticide (opinion). Bollworms breed on corn, and last year more corn than usual was planted throughout cotton-growing regions. So it is likely that the cotton is simply being overwhelmed by corn-bred bollworms.
Inevaluating the argument, which of the following would be most useful to establish?
So the conclusion is: It is likely that the cotton is damaged by bollworms breeding on corn. The premises: 1) boll worms breed on corn; and 2) more corn than usual was planted in the cotton-growing regions.
If you look at the argument, it hinges on the assumption that the bollworms eating cotton come from the corn field.
To find the correct answer for an evaluation question, you simply answer Yes or No to the evaluation question, and then see the effects on the conclusion.
B) Whether plantings of cotton that does not produce the insecticide are suffering unusually extensive damage from bollworms this year.
If Yes, then cotton crops are heavily damaged by bollworms. It agrees with the conclusion that bollworms from corn field eat cotton. The conclusion holds. If No, then we have a problem with the conclusion. If cotton without bio-inseticide does not suffer from unusual damages from bollworm, there might not be HUGE amount of bollworm coming from the corn field. Then the heavy damage to bio-engineered cotton is caused by the bollworm breeding within these bio-engineered cotton. Thus, the conclusion falls apart.
把自己的看法写出来,这道题多想想其实真的挺变态的,OG上解释说有两个原因一个假设其实是这样的,偶觉得应该分三种情况讨论: 题目:因为Bio...ressistence are not necessary 同时发现corn 变多了 所以吃corn 的bollwarm多了 所以cotton少了 结论:是corn多了导致cotton 少了 评价:1) if bio cotton> nonbio cotton, then no bio... ressistence, i.e. bio 起作用了 2) if bio cotton<nonbio cotton, then 有the third reason 3)if bio cotton=nonbio cotton, then 因为corn 多了 所以B选项正确,可以判断到底是三种解释中的哪一个! 想了我好半天呀,觉着如果自己考试遇到这种题肯定没有时间这样想,所以像这种设置对照组的选项(像高中生物实验题一样的)可以优先考虑哦~